a Quark for SuperCollider
install it from within supercollider with the command Quarks.install("redSys")
and then recompile.
red system including mixers, effects, instruments, presets, tools, compression algorithms, gui...
| redEffects (sound modulators) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedEfxAuto | auto tuner | | RedEfxBit8 | bitcrusher with ringmodulation | | RedEfxBitc | bitcrusher | | RedEfxBitx | bitcrusher | | RedEfxBoom | boomeranging effect | | RedEfxComb | comb delay | | RedEfxComp | compressor | | RedEfxDelp | delay with pitchshift | | RedEfxDely | delay | | RedEfxDist | distortion | | RedEfxGuit | guitar amp | | RedEfxFreq | frequency shifter | | RedEfxOcta | octavider | | RedEfxPch2 | pitch shifter | | RedEfxPchN | pitch shifter | | RedEfxRing | ring modulator | | RedEfxRoom | reverb | | RedEfxRvrs | reverses sound | | RedEfxTanh | distortion | | RedEfxTank | tank reverb | | RedEfxTape | tape echo | | RedEfxWave | waveshaping | | RedEfxVerb | reverb | | RedEfxVoco | vocoder | | RedEfxZzzz | limiter and check bad values |
| redEffectsRack (effects system) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedEffectsRack | allround effects rack for RedEffectModule | | RedEffectsRackGUI | gui for RedEffectsRack |
| redGUI (gui) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | redGUIOverview | overview of gui wrappers |
| redInstrument (sound generators) | | | ------------- | ------------- | ... TODO!!!
| redMatrixMixer (matrix mixing) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedMatrixMixer | mix any number of input and output channels | | RedMatrixMixerGUI | gui for RedMatrixMixer |
| redMix (small mixer units) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | redMixOverview | overview of redMix classes | | RedAbstractMix | abstract class | | RedMixGUI | gui for RedMixMono, RedMixStereo, RedMixStereoMono | | RedMixMono | mix 2 mono channels in stereo | | RedMixStereo | mix 2 stereo channels in stereo | | RedMixStereoMono | mix 1 stereo channel and 1 mono channel in stereo |
| redMixer (mixer system) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedMixer | create and hold multiple RedMixerChannel | | RedMixerChannel | channel strip | | RedMixerChannelGUI | gui for RedMixerChannel | | RedMixerGUI | gui for RedMixer |
| redModule (modular system) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedAbstractModule | abstract class | | RedEffectModule | abstract class | | RedEffectModuleGUI | gui for RedEffectModule | | RedInstrumentModule | abstract class | | RedInstrumentModuleGUI | gui for RedInstrumentModule |
| redSF (sound file player) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedSFPlayer | play soundfiles from memory | | RedSFPlayerDisk | play soundfiles from disk |
| redTapTempo (tap tempo) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedTapTempoGUI | average tempo of the last n taps/clicks | | RedTempoClockGUI | list and edit active tempo clocks |
| redTest (test signals) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedTest | generate test signals |
| redTools (various) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedALF | ascii to list-of-floats conversion | | RedArduino | for uploading sketches to arduino | | RedBase64 | base64 encoding/decoding | | RedBencode | bencode encoder and decoder | | RedBitStream | stream bits | | RedBMP | bitmap image | | RedDifferentialManchesterCode | differential manchester encoding | | RedDifferentialManchesterCodeNegative | differential manchester encoding | | RedGIF | gif image decoder | | RedHarmonicTree | sorted harmonic tree | | RedHuffman | huffman coding | | RedIntelHex | read and decode intel hex files | | RedInterpolator | holds a value and interpolates to new target | | RedKCS | kansas city standard encoder/decoder for sclang and server | | RedLZ77 | lz77 compression/decompression | | RedLZ78 | lz78 compression/decompression | | RedLZSS | lzss compression/decompression | | RedLZW | lzw compression/decompression | | RedManchesterCode | manchester encoding | | Redraw | simple drawing with the mouse | | RedRLE | run-length compression/decompression | | RedSmooth | single exponential smoothing | | RedSmooth2 | double exponential smoothing | | RedSmoothUD | single exponential smoothing with different rise/fall | | RedTime | calculate with time | | RedToolsMenu | various tools | | RedTween | tweening for sclang and scserver |
| redUGens (pseudo ugens) | | | ------------- | ------------- | | RedAutoScale | scales an unknown signal to a known range | | RedBernoulli | white noise with Bernoulli distribution | | RedComb | comb delay line with crossfade | | RedDelay | delay line with crossfade | | RedDestroyer | distortion effect | | RedDTMF | old-skool telephone | | RedFrik | noise socks! | | RedDirection | detects inc/dec of a signal | | RedImpulse | resettable impulse train | | RedLFSR4 | 4-bit linear feedback shift register | | RedLFSR4BitStream | 4-bit linear feedback shift register | | RedLine | resettable line generator | | RedLive | sample and repeat | | RedOnePole | one pole filter with separate up and down coefficients | | RedOverdub | overdub recording | | RedRamp | resettable phasor with per period rate control | | RedSequencer | simple sequencer | | RedSequencer2 | simple sequencer | | RedSlide | logarithmic lag | | RedStereo | panning effect | | RedStereo2 | panning effect | | RedTapeRecorder | sampling and looping |
Some of the gui classes need the TabbedView2 quark (should get automatically installed when installing this quark)
Most classes do not have a GUI, but here are a few screenshots of ones that do...
- 221218 - added RedBernoulli and updated RedToolsMenu
- 220814 - added RedSmooth, RedSmooth2, RedSmoothUD
- 220731 - added RedKCS, added overview to this readme
- 220116 - added a few screenshots, helpfile cleanup
- 220115 - rewrite to use TabbedView2 instead of TabbedView (about time)
- 220114 - redMix, redTapTempo, redMixer, redMatrixMixer, redEffectsRack, redModule - rework gui and helpfiles
- 210610 - huge speed improvements to most data compression classes, RedGIF massive speed improvements and important fixes
- 210526 - RedBMP add support for Image
- 180330 - RedIntelHex checksum bugfix
- 180317 - redModule and redEffectsRack: added global lag
- 180218 - replaced a few .interpret in hex-string to integer conversion
- 180116 - new readme. dropped Conductor quark dependency. cleanup helpfiles. fixed RedTapeRecorder. minor bugfix to RedTest. major rewrite of redMatrixMixer, redMix, redMixer, redGUICV, redModule, redEffectsRack
- 151124 - RedTapTempoGUI - alpha
- 131228 - added default values for RedTime-new and some more examples
- 130927 - minor speed up by replacing & with bitAnd, << with leftShift and >> with rightShift
- 130902 - added RedTween and RedInterpolator
- 130807 - added RedArduino
- 130612 - added RedLFSR4 and RedLFSR4BitStream
- 130524 - added RedIntelHex
- 130522 - added RedManchesterCode, RedDifferentialManchesterCode, RedDifferentialManchesterCodeNegative. removed all old html helpfiles and the redSys.html overview
- 130226 - added RedBencode
- 130131 - RedTest: added dur arguments
- 130108 - RedTest: added amp arguments
- 121126 - RedEfxKomp: postGain was in the wrong place, changed default postGain from 0.25 to 1. RedTest: speaker and speaker2 classmethods also boot default server, fix initRedTestSF to read correct sound
- 121007 - RedMixer: thanks to Roberto Lombardo .store now also saves effect inserts and their settings
- 121005 - RedMixer: improved helpfile with more examples, bugfix for when only one stereo input, changes for save&recall
- 121001 - added RedTempoClockGUI
- 120825 - fix crashing bug in RedToolsMenu under qt
- 120608 - many gui windows did not show under sc3.5 cocoa osx due to alpha channel bug, now fixed
- 120317 - some minor fixes to look better with gui qt, fix for 3.5 random helpfile lookup in redtoolsmenu, removed RedEfxFFTA from redEffects because it needs sc3-plugins installed
- 120221 - added RedOnePole, RedSlide
- 120208 - added RedRamp
- 120205 - added RedLine
- 120122 - added RedImpulse
- 111115 - added RedEfxFreq, RedEfxRvrs, RedOverdub
- 111113 - added RedEfxAuto, RedEfxBoom, RedEfxFFTA, RedEfxKomp, RedEfxPch2, RedEfxPchN, RedEfxVoco. minor fix to RedAbstractModule - avoid multiple synthdef builds with a pdDef variable
- 110927 - all helpfiles converted to scdoc format
- 110920 - some first fixes to sc3.5 qt gui
- 110216 - added RedALF class. minor fix to RedAutoScale - changed to inf and -inf for min and max
- 101129 - RedBMP bugfixes, added support for reading 16bit files, added writing and creating 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24bit files.
- 101121 - RedFrik now needs GlitchRHPF from sc3-plugins. added RedBMP class. changed RedGIF to use smoothing_ instead of setSmoothing
- 100907 - some changes to RedToolsMenu, no separate Red menu any longer, using Library.
- 100728 - added RedSF, RedEfxBit8, RedEfxBitx, RedEfxRoom, RedEfxZzzz. added functions in comments for each effect, useful for pasting into ndef filters
- 100703 - changed some more memStore to add
- 100702 - changed some store and memStore to add. improvements to RedToolMenu: normalize and userview. bugfix in RedMatrixMixerGUI
- 100210 - minor changes to RedToolsMenu. bugfix for RedEfxComp
- 100124 - added RedGIF and RedBitStream. minor optimisation to RedLZW
- 100109 - bugfix for RedLZ78, swapped distance and length for RedLZ77 and RedLZSS, small optimisation to RedLZW
- 100107 - complete rewrite of RedLZ77 and RedLZSS
- 100101 - added RedLZ78. improved helpfiles for all compressors. RedHuffman changed from encode/decode to compress/decompress and to have it take all kinds of data. RedLZW now works with 8bit integers
- 091230 - added RedLZ77, RedLZSS. modified RedRLE to take arrays instead of strings
- 091229 - added RedRLE
- 091226 - added RedHuffman
- 091025 - some changes to RedToolsMenu. added Redraw
- 091009 - new effects: RedEfxDely, RedEfxWave, RedEfxDelp, RedEfxTanh. added a limiter to RedEfxTank. argument name changes for RedEfxOcta and RedEfxGuit. added template to file
- 090916 - added RedEfxTanh, RedEfxWave and a template in the file
Found no versions tagged via git
Quark info
red system including mixers, effects, instruments, presets, tools, gui
['TabbedView2_QT', 'TabbedView2']
a function