Read and write .bmp files from disk. Handles 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32bit depths. Includes simple -makeWindow and -plot methods to display the pixels (but you should really write your own).
Create an empty bitmap image.
Create a RedBMP by reading a .bmp file from disk.
Write the bitmap image to disk.
Generates an Image and display it.
Display the pixels using Pen and fillRect
A string. "BM".
Image dimensions in pixels.
Colour depth. 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32.
When read from disk.
Colour table as a 1-dimensional array of Color objects. Size 256 for 8bit images, size 16 for 4bit images and size 2 for 1bit images.
The pixel data as a 1-dimensional array of Color objects. Reading from left to right, top to bottom. If you create your own make the size width*height.
Converts the data to an Image and return it. NOTE: remember to free the image.
Converts the data to an Int32Array and return it.