Work in progress. Includes mixers, effects, instruments, presets, tools, gui etc.
Released under GNU GPL V2 license. Please give credit if you use it extensively in your work.
RedEfxAuto | auto tuner |
RedEfxBit8 | bitcrusher with ringmodulation |
RedEfxBitc | bitcrusher |
RedEfxBitx | bitcrusher |
RedEfxBoom | boomeranging effect |
RedEfxComb | comb delay |
RedEfxComp | compressor |
RedEfxDelp | delay with pitchshift |
RedEfxDely | delay |
RedEfxDist | distortion |
RedEfxGuit | guitar amp |
RedEfxFreq | frequency shifter |
RedEfxOcta | octavider |
RedEfxPch2 | pitch shifter |
RedEfxPchN | pitch shifter |
RedEfxRing | ring modulator |
RedEfxRoom | reverb |
RedEfxRvrs | reverses sound |
RedEfxTanh | distortion |
RedEfxTank | tank reverb |
RedEfxTape | tape echo |
RedEfxWave | waveshaping |
RedEfxVerb | reverb |
RedEfxVoco | vocoder |
RedEfxZzzz | limiter and check bad values |
RedEffectsRack | allround effects rack for RedEffectModule |
RedEffectsRackGUI | gui for RedEffectsRack |
redGUIOverview | overview of gui wrappers |
... | TODO!!! |
RedMatrixMixer | mix any number of input and output channels |
RedMatrixMixerGUI | gui for RedMatrixMixer |
redMixOverview | overview of redMix classes |
RedAbstractMix | abstract class |
RedMixGUI | gui for RedMixMono, RedMixStereo, RedMixStereoMono |
RedMixMono | mix 2 mono channels in stereo |
RedMixStereo | mix 2 stereo channels in stereo |
RedMixStereoMono | mix 1 stereo channel and 1 mono channel in stereo |
RedMixer | create and hold multiple RedMixerChannel |
RedMixerChannel | channel strip |
RedMixerChannelGUI | gui for RedMixerChannel |
RedMixerGUI | gui for RedMixer |
RedAbstractModule | abstract class |
RedEffectModule | abstract class |
RedEffectModuleGUI | gui for RedEffectModule |
RedInstrumentModule | abstract class |
RedInstrumentModuleGUI | gui for RedInstrumentModule |
RedSFPlayer | play soundfiles from memory |
RedSFPlayerDisk | play soundfiles from disk |
RedTapTempoGUI | average tempo of the last n taps/clicks |
RedTempoClockGUI | list and edit active tempo clocks |
RedTest | generate test signals |
RedALF | ascii to list-of-floats conversion |
RedArduino | for uploading sketches to arduino |
RedBase64 | base64 encoding/decoding |
RedBencode | bencode encoder and decoder |
RedBitStream | stream bits |
RedBMP | bitmap image |
RedDifferentialManchesterCode | differential manchester encoding |
RedDifferentialManchesterCodeNegative | differential manchester encoding |
RedGIF | gif image decoder |
RedHarmonicTree | sorted harmonic tree |
RedHuffman | huffman coding |
RedIntelHex | read and decode intel hex files |
RedInterpolator | holds a value and interpolates to new target |
RedKCS | kansas city standard encoder/decoder for sclang and server |
RedLZ77 | lz77 compression/decompression |
RedLZ78 | lz78 compression/decompression |
RedLZSS | lzss compression/decompression |
RedLZW | lzw compression/decompression |
RedManchesterCode | manchester encoding |
Redraw | simple drawing with the mouse |
RedRLE | run-length compression/decompression |
RedSmooth | single exponential smoothing |
RedSmooth2 | double exponential smoothing |
RedSmoothUD | single exponential smoothing with different rise/fall |
RedTime | calculate with time |
RedToolsMenu | various tools |
RedTween | tweening for sclang and scserver |
RedAutoScale | scales an unknown signal to a known range |
RedBernoulli | white noise with Bernoulli distribution |
RedComb | comb delay line with crossfade |
RedDelay | delay line with crossfade |
RedDestroyer | distortion effect |
RedDTMF | old-skool telephone |
RedFrik | noise socks! |
RedDirection | detects inc/dec of a signal |
RedImpulse | resettable impulse train |
RedLFSR4 | 4-bit linear feedback shift register |
RedLFSR4BitStream | 4-bit linear feedback shift register |
RedLine | resettable line generator |
RedLive | sample and repeat |
RedOnePole | one pole filter with separate up and down coefficients |
RedOverdub | overdub recording |
RedRamp | resettable phasor with per period rate control |
RedSequencer | simple sequencer |
RedSequencer2 | simple sequencer |
RedSlide | logarithmic lag |
RedStereo | panning effect |
RedStereo2 | panning effect |
RedTapeRecorder | sampling and looping |