redSys/Overviews (extension) | Red


general red system overview

Work in progress. Includes mixers, effects, instruments, presets, tools, gui etc.

Released under GNU GPL V2 license. Please give credit if you use it extensively in your work.

redEffects (sound modulators)

RedEfxAutoauto tuner
RedEfxBit8bitcrusher with ringmodulation
RedEfxBoomboomeranging effect
RedEfxCombcomb delay
RedEfxDelpdelay with pitchshift
RedEfxGuitguitar amp
RedEfxFreqfrequency shifter
RedEfxPch2pitch shifter
RedEfxPchNpitch shifter
RedEfxRingring modulator
RedEfxRvrsreverses sound
RedEfxTanktank reverb
RedEfxTapetape echo
RedEfxZzzzlimiter and check bad values

redEffectsRack (effects system)

RedEffectsRackallround effects rack for RedEffectModule
RedEffectsRackGUIgui for RedEffectsRack

redGUI (gui)

redGUIOverviewoverview of gui wrappers

redInstrument (sound generators)


redMatrixMixer (matrix mixing)

RedMatrixMixermix any number of input and output channels
RedMatrixMixerGUIgui for RedMatrixMixer

redMix (small mixer units)

redMixOverviewoverview of redMix classes
RedAbstractMixabstract class
RedMixGUIgui for RedMixMono, RedMixStereo, RedMixStereoMono
RedMixMonomix 2 mono channels in stereo
RedMixStereomix 2 stereo channels in stereo
RedMixStereoMonomix 1 stereo channel and 1 mono channel in stereo

redMixer (mixer system)

RedMixercreate and hold multiple RedMixerChannel
RedMixerChannelchannel strip
RedMixerChannelGUIgui for RedMixerChannel
RedMixerGUIgui for RedMixer

redModule (modular system)

RedAbstractModuleabstract class
RedEffectModuleabstract class
RedEffectModuleGUIgui for RedEffectModule
RedInstrumentModuleabstract class
RedInstrumentModuleGUIgui for RedInstrumentModule

redSF (sound file player)

RedSFPlayerplay soundfiles from memory
RedSFPlayerDiskplay soundfiles from disk

redTapTempo (tap tempo)

RedTapTempoGUIaverage tempo of the last n taps/clicks
RedTempoClockGUIlist and edit active tempo clocks

redTest (test signals)

RedTestgenerate test signals

redTools (various)

RedALFascii to list-of-floats conversion
RedArduinofor uploading sketches to arduino
RedBase64base64 encoding/decoding
RedBencodebencode encoder and decoder
RedBitStreamstream bits
RedBMPbitmap image
RedDifferentialManchesterCodedifferential manchester encoding
RedDifferentialManchesterCodeNegativedifferential manchester encoding
RedGIFgif image decoder
RedHarmonicTreesorted harmonic tree
RedHuffmanhuffman coding
RedIntelHexread and decode intel hex files
RedInterpolatorholds a value and interpolates to new target
RedKCSkansas city standard encoder/decoder for sclang and server
RedLZ77lz77 compression/decompression
RedLZ78lz78 compression/decompression
RedLZSSlzss compression/decompression
RedLZWlzw compression/decompression
RedManchesterCodemanchester encoding
Redrawsimple drawing with the mouse
RedRLErun-length compression/decompression
RedSmoothsingle exponential smoothing
RedSmooth2double exponential smoothing
RedSmoothUDsingle exponential smoothing with different rise/fall
RedTimecalculate with time
RedToolsMenuvarious tools
RedTweentweening for sclang and scserver

redUGens (pseudo ugens)

RedAutoScalescales an unknown signal to a known range
RedBernoulliwhite noise with Bernoulli distribution
RedCombcomb delay line with crossfade
RedDelaydelay line with crossfade
RedDestroyerdistortion effect
RedDTMFold-skool telephone
RedFriknoise socks!
RedDirectiondetects inc/dec of a signal
RedImpulseresettable impulse train
RedLFSR44-bit linear feedback shift register
RedLFSR4BitStream4-bit linear feedback shift register
RedLineresettable line generator
RedLivesample and repeat
RedOnePoleone pole filter with separate up and down coefficients
RedOverduboverdub recording
RedRampresettable phasor with per period rate control
RedSequencersimple sequencer
RedSequencer2simple sequencer
RedSlidelogarithmic lag
RedStereopanning effect
RedStereo2panning effect
RedTapeRecordersampling and looping