As per IEEE 802.3. See
Creates a new encoder.
numBits |
The maximum number of bits in the data to be encoded. The default 8 can deal with values between 0 and 255. |
The lowest level method for encoding. Give and return arrays with raw 0/1 bits.
bits |
An array of raw bits (zeros and ones) representing the n-bit value to be encoded. The length of this array should match numBits. |
An array of raw bits (zeros and ones) with encoded clock and data bits.
A method for encoding single numbers. Converts the number to bits and then calls -encode.
value |
Some number to be encoded. Make sure to not go above the current set numBits capacity (0-255 by default). |
Same as -encode above
A method for encoding arrays of numbers.
array |
Some array of numbers to be encoded. |
Same as -encode above
Get or set the number of bits dynamically.
//bigger number require more number of bits
RedManchesterCode(11).encode([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]); //compare table in wikipedia article
a= RedManchesterCode();
a.encode([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
a.encodeValue(114); //same but different
a.encodeArray([114, 114, 5]); //use this method for longer arrays
//if used as an audio signal it is often preferred to normalize the values -1 to 1.
//here is a simple way to do that normalization...
RedManchesterCode(11).encode([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1])*2-1
//--sound examples
//although this is not 100% correct because of the byte boundaries
//the example just sequence manchester encoded bytes.
SynthDef(\redBitsPlayer, {|out= 0, amp= 1, rate= 1000|
var numBits= 8*2; //double because of manchester encoding
var data= Control.names([\data]).ir(Array.fill(numBits, 0));
var src=, 0, Dseq(data*2-1++0), 2); //zero padded because doneAction2 is not stopping sample accurate, src*amp!2);
//test counter
t= 2400; //datarate{
var encoder= RedManchesterCode(8);{|i|
var byte= (i%256).asInteger;
var data= encoder.encodeValue(byte);
Synth(\redBitsPlayer, [\out, 0, \data, data, \amp, 0.3, \rate, t]);
//a more accurate example rendering the 0-255 counter data in advance, normalizing and loading it to a buffer
//stutter(8) means eight samples per data bit
b= Buffer.sendCollection(s, RedManchesterCode().encodeArray((0..255)).stutter(8)*2-1);;;
//it is also possible to skip this class and do manchester code directly in the synthdef...
SynthDef(\redManchesterEncode, {|out= 0, amp= 1, rate= 1000|
var numBits= 8;
var data= Control.names([\data]).ir(Array.fill(numBits, 0));
var clock= Dseq(#[1, 0], numBits);
var src=, 0, Dseq([Dstutter(2, Dseq(data)).bitXor(clock)*2-1, 0]), 2);, src*amp!2);
Synth(\redManchesterEncode, [\data, 114.asBinaryDigits, \amp, 0.3]);
//record the result and compare with RedManchesterCode().encodeValue(114)