adclib/Classes (extension) | Libraries > JITLib


a JITView for numbers


A view for displaying and editing objects in general und numbers in particular. MView will display numbers as sliders or multislider fields. Intended for guis which have to show very different objects at different times.

Instance Methods


shortcut to switch to number mode


run enterAction



the user view


any modifier keys held while activating


get current value, unmapped into unipolar range.


set current value to unmapped unipolar value, using dict[\myspec] to map input value into spec range.


the action performed on mouseDown - determines how value will be changed: if value is a single number, set value directly; if single point in array is clicked on, set that single value only; if left/right border is clicked, move that border and scale inner values; if clicked somewhere else in value block display, move all values.


changes value by one of the four methods set in mouseDownNumber.


scale all values in list by moving (normalized) minval


scale all values in list by moving (normalized) maxval


when value is an array of numbers, change value at index only.


the method that draws numerical display on the userview.
