adclib/Classes (extension) | GUI | Libraries > JITLib > GUI


a modal view to show any object.



JITView can display an object as its source code, change it by code, and do multiple actions with it. It has a UserView for configurable display and interaction modes. Its action is an MFunc to allow configurable actions when activated. For flexible display of number(s), see its subclass MView. For modal guis for JIT-style objects, see MGui.

Class Methods


prepare styleDict


a dictionary with colors and fonts for display. it is parent to a local dict in a JITView, so many display params can be individually overwritten.


make a new JITView



a parent on which to display; if none is given, one is created.


the bounds within which to display; if not given, bounds will be created.


provision for display options, not used yet.

Instance Methods


get and set view's value, can be any object


set view's value and do its action


the view's action, a modal MFunc.


evaluate the action.


the parent view or window used for display.


the bounds used for display


a dict for various data useful for the display.


put things into dict by pairs of key, value, key value.


the userview which handles display.


evaluate the action from keys.


the drawFunc of the user view, an MFunc which handles all configurable aspects of display.


prepare general data for display





methods for drawing label, value and editStr.


redraw user view.


hilite a JITView with a label and a color



get all of uv's actions in one array [drawFunc, keyDownAction, mouseDownAction, mouseMoveAction]


set and get the current mode. modes must be present in the various action functions.


make n values with a function


check whether a possible next value is a number or numbers or not.


0 if not a number, 1 if a single number, 2 if array of all numbers.
