adclib/Classes (extension) | Modality


MFunc is a proxy for multiple, modal functions.


MFunc is a proxy for multiple, modal functions which can replace a single function with easily configurable flexible behavior.

It contains a dictionary of named functions (i.e. a behavior repertoire), an ordered list of the function names, lists of combinations of functions, and lists of the currently active functions and names.

The MFunc's behavior can be reconfigured at any time:

MFunc is intended for use in modal interfaces, so for example, when a single slider has an MFunc as its action, it can have functions that

This is intended to replace complicated cascades of if-statements (which easily accumulate when coding modal user interface functions). Instead of setting flags for modes and reading them in control structure logic, one can use MFuncs to switch between modes by a. enabling the functions desired in the new mode, b. disabling the ones that should be off in the new mode, and c. keeping all other functions independent by leaving them untouched.

Class Methods


make a new MFunc, like this:

Instance Methods


the names of the currently active funcs


get name of the currently active mode, set currently active mode by name.


the available modes


the modeLists


the repertoire of all functions


the ordered names of all available functions


the currently active functions


calls .value on the activeFuncs, returns a list of the return values.



enable and disable functions by name(s)


add or replace a function by name, optionally relative to another name.



name by which to store func


the func to store


flag whether the func should become active


optional addAction, default is \addLast


addActions \addBefore, \addAfter need a name relative to which to add.


fully remove functions by name or names




short methods indicating where to add or replace



short methods for adding relative to another name



the name for the new func


the new func to add


flag whether active


the name relative to which to add


get and set flag whether to use .tryValue istead of .value


wrap all function evaluations in try { }, so that if one fails, it posts good info, and all later functions in the list will still be evaluated.
