Modality-toolkit/Overviews (extension) | Libraries > Modality | External Control


A toolkit for creating flexible personal electronic instruments using a variety of controllers.

The Modality toolkit simplifies using controllers in SuperCollider. It was created by a team of developers and users of SuperCollider.

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Tutorials, how-tos, examples

Advanced Tutorials and further reading

First Steps

This section is intended as a rough and quick overview. For more detailed information, see ModalityTutorial.

In Modality, an MKtl represents a supported hardware controller, and one assigns functionality to its controller elements. To find your device, evaluate

NOTE: You may have to install drivers before MKtl.find is able to find your device. Some devices may show up in multiple protocols. For example, the ICON IControls show up as both MIDI and HID.

Each MKtl contains MKtlElements, which represent the hardware elements of the controller, e.g. the sliders or knobs on a faderbox. You can assign actions to these elements and to groups of elements. They will get evaluated every time the value that element is activated.

Example NanoKontrol2

Example BCR2000

Bonus: Knob rotation demo

Adding More Controllers

If your controller is not supported yet, you can add it by yourself! See How_to_adapt_a_description_file or How_to_create_a_description_file.


Modality and its research meetings have kindly been supported by BEK in Bergen, Norway, and STEIM, Amsterdam. The ModalityTeam is, in no particular order: