How to adapt a description file:
Modality-toolkit/Tutorials (extension) | Libraries > Modality

How to adapt a description file

For similar devices, description files can be copied and adapted.

When one wants to add a new controller to Modality, it is often similar to one that is already supported, especially if it conforms to a type pattern like the faderbox, the gamepad, etc etc. So it makes sense to check whether there is a similar desc file already, and copy and modify that for the new device. Also, when one wants to customize the hardware settings on a controller, it makes sense to have a personalized desc file for this setup. The best place to keep such additional desc files is here: MKtlDesc.userFolder.openOS;The filename should be "<company-devicename-extra-info>", and must end in ".desc.scd". After adding a new desc file, please do

to make sure Modality finds it.

You are highly welcome to contribute your desc files to modality! Especially when they are generally useful (i.e. not for a one-off selfmade or customized device that only you have), you can save it to the defaultFolder, and submit a pull request at github, or mail it to the modality list.

Some good templates to copy are:

... To Do: add example here when there is a good one ...