Modality-toolkit/Classes (extension) | Modality


handling descriptions of interface devices in Modality


MKtlDesc can read description files for hardware interface devices into MKtlDesc instances. Usually, this happens automatically when an MKtl is instantiated.

NOTE: The file syntax can be found at MKtl_description_files, element description keys can be found at Naming_conventions_in_element_descriptions.

Some examples:

Which devices are supported by Modality? Look at the webpage:



Global inspection:

Make an MKtlDesc from a desc filename

Class Methods


the path where the folder for MKtlDesc files lives.


the path where users can put personalized MKtlDesc files.


the name of the defaultFolder and userFolder.


all descFolders within which to look for MKtlDesc files.


add a folder to descFolders


open folder(s) in descFolders by index.


load matching descriptions in descFolders.


dict of all currently loaded descs


post status and name of all loaded descs


post the filenames of descs that can be loaded


post currently loaded descs


collect all element keys used in loaded descs


collect all device types used in loaded descs


collect all element types used in loaded descs


make a pair of noteOn, noteOff elements


make pairs for a list of key, note pairs


check whether dict is a valid description dict.


create an MKtlDesc with a name, from a well-formed description file.


access an MKtlDesc by name in the global repository


create an MKtlDesc from a file.



filename without path or extension, will be looked for in descfolders.


in which folder of descFolders to search the file


flag whether to load multiple matching files


create an MKtlDesc from a well-formed description dict.


find the filepath for a given desc name.


create an MKtlDesc from a full file path.


get info for an MKtlDesc on the web

internal methods



legal extensions for filenames


a dictionary that contains the idInfos for every desc file


find device idInfo for given filename


find filenames for a given device idInfo





support methods for cache of filenames and idInfos


Set false to disable platform specific replacements.

NOTE: This will break standard MKtl functionality and is only needed for rendering documentation!

Instance Methods


get the string by which the hardware device registers to the OS.


get and set the hardware protocol of the device.


get the filename of the desc file


returns code to test a controller with this description.


Opens a Document with code to test a controller with this description.


get MKtlDesc's properties, or set them from a dict fullDesc.elementsDesc contains the description of all elements


the hierarchical dict that contains the description of all elements


access element descriptions hierarchically


the flat dict that contains descriptions of all elements by compound lookup name


access element descriptions by compound hierarchic lookup name


open a webview on the device's info page at Modality website.


open the desc file from which the MKtlDesc was generated


post info on the device, if postElements = true, also info on the elements


post info on the elements


the path where file was read (if so)


not done yet - should eventually write a well-formed description file at path based on its current data.
