3Dj/Classes (extension) | Libraries > 3Dj


SSObject motion type


Motion provide, through its subclasses, predefined dynamic behaviors to the receiving SSObject instance.

All Motions provide a next method, which is used to compute the next object position.

At the moment, the following motion types are available:

--> \static No predefined motion. This is the default for new SSObject instances, With this behavior, objects can still move by the physical interaction way (for instance, SSObject: -vel or SSObject: -accel).

--> \rect Rectilinear motion. It takes as argument an Array with the initial velocity in each axis. Physical model actions can still interact with the object. With rectilinear motion, objects can also still interact in the physical way.

--> \random Random motion. Performs a series of rectilinear motions with random velocity and acceleration.

It takes two arguments: the maximum value for the random velocity and acceleration vectors (default to 1), and the period (in s) of parameter recalculation (default to world.timeStep).

--> \brown Brownian motion. Based on Pbrown.

It receives as an argument the amount of position variation of each step, in reference to the world's dimension. Default to 0.01 (1% of the world size).

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--> \shm Simple Harmonic Motion ( in each of the three axis, resulting in a composite motion.

It takes two arguments; first one is an array [xAmp,yAmp,zAmp] with the amplitudes (in m) in each axis. Default to [1,1,1]. Second argument is the motion period, in seconds. Default to [1,1,1].

\orbit Orbital motion in the horizontal plane. The arguments are the angular velocity (in m/s), and the rotation direction (either \dex for dextrorotatory, or \lev for levorotatory).

Class Methods


Usually, motion creation is called internally from inside SSObject: -setMotion method.



Receiving SSObject

Instance Methods



Get motion type


Get object receiver



The object's SSWorld stepFreq