Introducing 3Dj:
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Introducing 3Dj

Introduction to 3Dj: Tools for Interactive Sound Spatialization


3Dj is a SuperCollider library that aims to provide a compact, complete and open framework for live sound spatialization.


In a [live] spatialization system, the user is able to manipulate in real-time the spatial characteristics of the sound, given an external audio input. Manipulating all other sound parameters is outside the spatialization system's scope.

Following image is a scheme of a [live] spatialization system, with the current class implementation.

In short, a [live] spatialization system has mainly three parts:

User Interface + Mapping
The device with which the user(s) interact(s) with the system. We provide the OrientationController, a convenience class for mapping sensor devices
Sound Scene Simulation
A virtual representation of all sound objects. It is implemented through the class SSWorld and the sound object instances SSObject
Spatial Render
A system which receives spatial information and audio, and does the "panning" according to a spatialization technique. It is managed by the class SpatialRender, and its functionality extended by SpatDifLogger and SpatDifPlayer. In our implementation, the audio is routed in from Jack, and the metadata comes from SSWorld. Possible current spatialization techniques are Ambisonics, VBAP and Binaural/HRTF.

For a short tutorial, readers are encouraged to look through the examples provided in SSWorld and SpatialRender .



3Dj depends on some external libraries.


SpatDIF is a scene description format, intended for the standardization of spatial sound information. It provides a unified system for spatial data exchange between sound scene simulators and spatial renders. We are proud to offer the first SuperCollider SpatDIF implementation. Users can make use of our implementation, or alternatively interchange any of its parts for the software of their election.

More information can be found at the SpatDIF website:

Remote configurations

Thanks to the network distributed paradigm of SuperCollider, it is possible to run the different library parts distributed over a network. This can be useful in several situations: from splitting the CPU load, to remote performances.

Extra utilities

In the 3Dj GitHub repository ( we provide some extra tools to be used with the library.

Scripts for Ambisonics encoding visualization
4 mono tracks, ready for spatialization!
a Processing sketch providing sensor data in OSC through the local network, in the OrientationController required format. Ready to compile with Processing-Android

Further info

All the code is provided under the GPL v3 license.

The project has been developed by Andrés Pérez López as the practical implementation of the concepts developed in his Master Thesis at Music Technology Group, UPF, in collaboration with Fundació Barcelona Media. The Thesis report, with all related State-of-the-Art and research, can be accessed through this link:
