a Quark for SuperCollider
install it from within supercollider with the command Quarks.install("redUniverse")
and then recompile.
physics system. work in progress. happy for any comments or contributions.
NOTE: some of the examples require additional classes like RedGA etc. these are available online at my homepage
more info in the lam06-handout.pdf
- 241219 - added barycenter to RedObject
- 240103 - added springs coupled example
- 230914 - added one discrete world example, optimised RedWorld neighbours
- 230912 - added RedOscillator and RedOscillator2 - thanks g. moon
- 230901 - safety check in RedObject gravityForce, added an example
- 220724 - improve RedWindow timing for smoother drawing and adapted examples
- 220719 - added RedVector4, matrix multiplication and shape classes with examples
- 220713 - refactor RedWindow once again and move out of scide_scqt folder
- 211204 - added Lorenz attractor example and clear method for RedWindow
- 210806 - added RedMandelbrot class
- 210521 - minor optimisation for drawing 3d
- 200202 - added a discrete grow lsystem example
- 200131 - added lsystem grow example
- 180226 - added linked and double pendulum examples
- 180103 - unified RedWindow and removed RedJWindow and RedQWindow. checked and updated all examples (mostly formatting). new markdown readme
- 140108 - RedFingerprint optimized pen drawing, removed RedWindow and corrected examples. removed old html helpfiles
- 130225 - RedVector2D and RedVector3D optimizations
- 121130 - moved RedQWindow out of scide_scapp folder
- 121128 - added qt (RedQWindow) and bumped up required sc version to 3.5. added helpfile for RedQWindow. added new example 210-patterns_and_particles.scd. bugfix for RedUniverse interpolate class method
- 121126 - added update2 to RedSpring - thanks a. bartetzki
- 120820 - bugfix memory leak in RedParticleSystem - thanks d. kolokol
- 111004 - added examples 013, 017, 046, 161. changed envelope in ex 004 from kr to ar. changed example 160 to animate instead of play
- 110927 - all helpfiles converted to scdoc format
- 110914 - added 191-kmeans2 example
- 110323 - moved RedWindow cocoa into scide_scapp folder
- 101214 - support for discrete worlds with surroundings and neighbours. one new discrete world example added
- 101210 - cleaned up and added helpfiles for RedHiddenObject, RedParticle, RedBoid, RedRock, RedFood, RedAgent. added 2 boids examples and cleaned up a few others. wrote addForceWander1D and addForceWander3D methods for RedBoid. wrote addForceAngular3D, pendulumOffset3D, pendulumLoc3D
- 101208 - added manhattanDistance to RedVector. added RedKMeans class and example 190. added animate, frame and frameRate for RedJWindow to fake primitive
- 100602 - removed bugfixes for Collection and FloatArray and moved the species {^this.class} fix into the RedVector class itself
- 090629 - helpfiles and examples now uses view redirect instead of GUI. bugfix for RedWindow and RedJWindow resize
- 090624 - optimised collision detection. added distance line example
- 090617 - added RedObject:spring and RedSpring helper class. also added spring examples and RedObject:containsLoc
- 090616 - added example 102. added RedWorld1 class. RedWindow and RedJWindow removed relativeOrigin
- 090523 - moved some classes to folder 'additional'. added RedPerlin
- 090522 - added RedMRCM and RedIFS
- 090521 - RedWindow and RedJWindow now draws in the UserView - thanks Thor
- 090514 - growth example and asPoint added to RedVector
- 090510 - added RedLSystem and RedLTurtle classes. updated example 070-lsystem.scd. edited links in all helpfiles and in the overview. added s.sync to a few examples. updated and moved redFingerprint quark into redUniverse
- 081111 - moved RedWindow and RedJWindow into separate folders (osx, linux, windows) so that cocoa gui code is ignored on linux+windows
- 080929 - some minor additions. added extPoint asRedVector2D helper methods. added RedHiddenObject. useful when using attractors. added <userView for RedWindow and RedJWindow
- 080219 - updated for sc3.2 and swingosc0.59. fixed all pendulum examples to draw line on swingosc (added a GUI.pen.stroke). changed from mouseover to mousemove so now it's required to click&drag to update mouse position. fixed 150-track_synth.scd and took away RedTrack. now using only standard ugens for audio tracking.
- 080116 - changed from 25 to 40 fps for RedWindow and RedJWindow .play. some small corrections to match Pen changes to width_
- 071205 - converted all help.rtf to .html and the examples to .scd. added the example overview file. changed so that RedJWindow is disabled by default.
- 071031 - update for 3.1. removed with its strokeColor_ and fillColor_ extensions. tiny fix for 150-track_synth.rtf.
- 071029 - bugfix. now RedWindow shouldn't crash sc anymore. it was due to scott's window scoll implemented earlier this autumn.
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Quark info
a simple toolkit for sonification and visualisation of dynamic systems
a function