miSCellaneous_lib/Classes (extension) | Libraries > miSCellaneous > PLx suite | Streams-Patterns-Events > PLx suite


dynamic scope Pslide variant


Takes Symbol args for later reference by the Streams, which will read from variables in the Environments of their instantiation. See PLx_suite.

Class Methods


Creates a new PLslide object.



Symbol or Pslide list arg. If a Symbol is passed, list can be assigned to an envir variable later on. This lists's elements can be dynamically replaced by Patterns or Streams.


Symbol or Pslide repeats arg. If a Symbol is passed, repeats can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Defaults to inf.


Symbol or Pslide len arg. If a Symbol is passed, repeats can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Can be dynamically replaced by Patterns or Streams. Defaults to 3.


Symbol or Pslide step arg. If a Symbol is passed, repeats can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Can be dynamically replaced by Patterns or Streams. Defaults to 1.


Symbol or Pslide start arg. If a Symbol is passed, repeats can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Defaults to 0.


Symbol or Pslide wrapAtEnd arg. If a Symbol is passed, repeats can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Defaults to true.


Symbol or Boolean or Integer (0 or 1) or a Function returning Boolean or Integer. If a Symbol is passed, cutItems can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Determines if list items, which are Patterns or Streams themselves, will be finished if a replacement occurs during their embedding, or if they will be replaced immediately. The latter is the default behaviour (default value true). For protecting whole lists from immediate replacements see PLn.


Dictionary or one of the Symbols \top, \t (topEnvironment), \current, \c (currentEnvironment). Dictionary to be taken for variable reference. Defaults to \current.
