miSCellaneous_lib/Classes (extension) | Libraries > miSCellaneous > PLx suite | Streams-Patterns-Events > PLx suite


dynamic scope placeholder pattern whose streams will be finished before replacements


Takes Symbol args for later reference by the Streams, which will read from variables in the Environments of their instantiation. See PLx_suite. In contrast to PL a replacement doesn't take effect immediately, but with the next embedding. This behaviour might be preferred with syncing.

NOTE: As sources are finished before next replacements are possible, infinite source streams, other than with other PLx patterns, inhibit further replacements at all. For the option of finishing substreams with PLx list patterns see their cutItems arg and Ex.3.

Class Methods


Creates a new PL object.



Symbol or other Object. If a Symbol is passed, item can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Can be dynamically replaced by Patterns or Streams.


Symbol or repeats arg. If a Symbol is passed, repeats can be assigned to an envir variable later on. Defaults to inf.


Dictionary or one of the Symbols \top, \t (topEnvironment), \current, \c (currentEnvironment). Dictionary to be taken for variable reference. Defaults to \current.



Ex.1: Protection of periods


Ex.2: Protection of periods for syncing


Ex.3: Protection of periods and subperiods with event streams