The AtkHoa class defines variables specifying the HOA-NFE framework within the context of the ATK library.
Ambisonic Toolkit default ambisonic order.
Designation indicating ambisonic component ordering and component normalisation. The Ambisonic Toolkit convention is ACN-N3D, i.e., Ambisonic Channel Number (ACN), Orthonormal basis for 3D decomposition (N3D).
Ambisonic Toolkit ambisonic component ordering convention: Ambisonic Channel Number (ACN). See ordering.
Ambisonic Toolkit ambisonic component normalisation convention: Orthonormal basis for 3D decomposition (N3D). See normalisation.
A number of common formats are indexed by a single keyword:
\atk | Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK) |
\ambix | Ambisonics Exchangeable (AmbiX) |
\fuma | Furse-Malham (FuMa) |
Ambisonic Toolkit reference radius, in meters.
Ambisonic Toolkit (HOA) speed of sound, in meters per second.
Ambisonic Toolkit "near zero" precision value default for bilateral coefficient thresholding.
Setter for *thresh.
Given a number of coefficients, return an ambisonic order.
Confirm the given number of coefficients matches that expected for an ambisonic order.