atk-sc3/Classes (extension) | Libraries > Ambisonic Toolkit > ATK Platform & Configuration


a class that stores some global variables for the Ambisonic Toolkit


The Atk class defines variables that may be used by the rest of the ATK library, including resources for kernel encoding and decoding and sample soundfile paths.

Class Methods



an Array listing valid ATK sets.

Installation of ATK dependencies

Kernels, Matrices, and Soundfiles can be installed using following methods:

NOTE: On Windows there is no feedback on download progress. Please wait until the message confirming decompressing of the downloaded archive is posted.

In case the automatic installation fails, please see the Ambisonic Toolkit webpage to proceed with manual installation:


Download Atk Kernels, required by kernel encoders/decoders


Download Atk Matrices, required by matrix encoders/decoders/transformers


Download Atk Example Soundfiles

ATK's default asset directories

NOTE: The following methods have both user and system versions. Which version you should use will depend on whether you have the ATK assets installed at the user level:

or the system level:


set the user support dir where ATK resources are located



the path to the ATK folder containing your ATK support files



the path to the ATK support dir. Defaults to: Platform.userAppSupportDir.dirname ++ "/ATK";



a path to the 'sounds' dir inside the ATK support dir



a path to the 'matrices' dir inside the ATK support dir



a path to the 'kernel' dir inside the ATK support dir


runs a String: -unixCmd to open the userAppSupport dir. Uses 'open' (OS X only)


runs a unix command to create the user support dir for ATK



the path to the ATK support dir. Defaults to: Platform.systemAppSupportDir.dirname ++ "/ATK";



a path to the 'sounds' dir inside the ATK system support dir



a path to the 'matrices' dir inside the ATK system support dir



a path to the 'kernel' dir inside the ATK system support dir


runs a String: -unixCmd to open the systemAppSupport dir. Uses 'open' (OS X only)


runs a unix command to create the system support dir for ATK

User asset /extensions directory

The extensions directory is where the ATK looks for assets generated or added by you, such as your own matrices or kernels. It is located in

or if the ATK assets are installed system-wide, in:

It is not installed by default. It can be created by running

You can find out more about the directory structure in the Guide-to-ATK-Matrix-Files.



a path to the 'extensions' dir inside the ATK support dir. This is where user-generated matrices and kernels are stored to and rerieved from by default.



a path to the 'extensions' dir inside the ATK support dir. This is where user-generated matrices and kernels are stored to and rerieved from by default.


Displays a formatted list the matrices stored in your ATK/extensions/matrices directory. The set and type arguments are optional filters to display only matrices of a the specified set and type.

NOTE: This method first searches the Atk.userExtensionsDir and if no directory is found, it proceeds to check for a system-wide installation in Atk.systemExtensionsDir.


Creates the extensions folder, along with numerous subdirectories in a pre-defined structure, in your ATK assets folder. This is where the ATK looks for assets generated or added by you, such as your own matrices or kernels. You can find out more about the directory structure and its use in the Guide-to-ATK-Matrix-Files.

Convenience methods for accessing subdirectories

The following methods are used by ATK internally but listed here in the case you find them useful.


Get the PathName of the op directory ('kernels' or 'matrices'), in either the "built-in" ATK support directory or the user extension subdirectory (isExtension = true).


Get the PathName of the subdirectory within the ATK/'op'/'set'/'type' folder.

NOTE: This method first searches the Atk.userExtensionsDir and if no directory is found, it proceeds to check the Atk.systemExtensionsDir.


A shortcut for Atk.getAtkOpSubPath(set, op, 'matrices')


A shortcut for Atk.getAtkOpSubPath(set, op, 'kernels')


Get the PathName of the subdirectory within the ATK/extensions/'op'/'set'/'type' folder.

NOTE: This method first searches the Atk.userExtensionsDir and if no directory is found, it proceeds to check the Atk.systemExtensionsDir.


A shortcut for Atk.getExtensionSubPath(set, op, 'matrices')


A shortcut for Atk.getExtensionSubPath(set, op, 'kernels')