RelSet is intended for encoder-style controllers, such as infinite MIDI knobs that only send relative values. RelSet can move a single param of an object by a normalized relative amount. One can choose to provide a spec for unmapping the object's current value, or one can let the object provide the spec. If spec is \none, or none can be found, RelSet will add the offset as is.
Technical Note: As this behavior is useful for many objects that have numerical parameters (such as Synth, Ndef, Tdef, Pdef), it is implemented as a class that can act like a method of such an object.
// make an Ndef as a destination objects to use,
// and a gui to show its params.
// does nothing (no current value yet)
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \freq, 0.05);
// works when there is a value -
// note that \freq has a global spec,
// which is being looked up internally here.
set(Ndef(\a), \freq, 200); // set to something
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \freq, 0.025); // step up
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \freq, 1/127); // midi cc step size
// put a sound there, and try the same steps
Ndef(\a, {\, \ * 0.1 }).play;
set(Ndef(\a), \freq, 200);
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \freq, 0.025);
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \freq, 1/127);
// set to the middle of range, and do brownian param drift
Ndef(\a).set( \freq, 600);
fork { { RelSet(Ndef(\a), \freq, 0.05.rand2); 0.2.wait }; };
// second param, no global or local spec -> uses unipolar
set(Ndef(\a), \pwidth, 0.5);
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \pwidth, 0.1.rand2);
// add a global spec - that will be used
Spec.add(\pwidth, [0.01, 0.99]); // dont go to full [0, 1])
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \pwidth, 0.1.rand2);
// add a local spec to Ndef(\a) - gui and RelSet will use it
Ndef(\a).addSpec(\pwidth, [0.5, 0.01, \exp]); // from dark to bright
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \pwidth, 0.1.rand2);
// when a spec is given in the RelSet call,
// the object need not know a spec for its parameter
// (first remove the local spec so the gui shows the full range)
Ndef(\a).addSpec(\pwidth, nil); // from dark to bright
// then try this repeatedly
RelSet(Ndef(\a), \pwidth, 0.1.rand2, [0.5, 0.99]);
RelSet(obj, paramName, relVal, spec) // is like
obj.relSet (paramName, relVal, spec)
obj |
the object whose param to set |
paramName |
the name of the param to set |
relVal |
the relative value in unipolar [0, 1] range |
spec |
an optional spec by which to unmap the objects current value. if none provided, the object is asked for its value with getSpec(paramName) |
true if set succeeded, false if not
obj |
the object to ask for the spec |
paramName |
the name of the param for wich to obtain a spec |
a spec