Modality-toolkit/Classes (extension) | Libraries > Modality


explore an HID device for use with the Modality toolkit


This class helps you to create a description file for an HID device.

The file will have a dictionary that can be saved as a description file. It contains a device idInfo, the protocol (here, \hid), and the elements in a flat array consisting of lines like this:

Here you give a proper name to: '_b1_' to e.g. 'bt1', based on the number that is written on the button - this is the name that will be used to refer to the element.

Then you also need to edit the type: '<type Button>' to 'button', and similar for other element types - see other HID device desc files for examples.

Note that often elements can be grouped in meaningful order, e.g. gamepads have 12 or so number buttons, which can be put into one array with shared properties - see e.g.

The other items in each line are lookup info for the MKtl, so you should not change them.

Check MKtl_description_files for the format of the description files.

Class Methods



start abd stop observing an HID device


open a document of the currently observed data, optionally including parameter specs.


get and set flag whether to post info


get and set flag whether to post tracing info, default flag is true