FractureSynth returns a SynthDef capable of playing back a chip of the given fracture object. It also defines the modified note event type /fchip, which makes chips playable. Every fracture object automatically creates a default SynthDef on which its chips play back.
Create a new SynthDef for playing fracture chips.
fracture |
The fracture to reference. |
numChannels |
Number of channels for playback (1 or 2). |
pan |
Choose default pan position for playback (float -1..1), or specify pan behavior: \scatter = play each chip at random pan position, \pitch = play chips arrayed by pitch (left low, right high), \pos = pan position matches playhead position in the buffer |
gain |
Apply db gain to playback. |
normalize |
Specify how much normalization to apply to output (1 = all chips reach peak amplitude, 0 = no normalization). |
env |
An array describing a segmented array [attack ratio, release ratio, curve]. For example [0.1, 0.5, \sine] means attack for 0.1 * the length of the chip, release for half the length of the chip, and use a sine curve shape. Alternatively, use \sine or \triangle to use an even sine or triangle curve over the length of the chip. |
rate |
Default rate of playback. Whether this rate is negative or positive determines whether to start playback from the start or the end of the chip. (NOTE: the synth will also take an argument "rate" which will act as a scalar for this rate.) |
a SynthDef with the following arguments:
The fracture associated with this FractureSynth.