BBCut/Classes (extension) | Libraries > BBCut > Cut procedures


Automatic breakbeat cutting algorithm


A relatively straight forward cut procedure supporting arbitrary user defined permutation of equally divided chunks of the target.

Class Methods


Create a BBCPPermute object with the given parameters.



Choose a new phraselength. You can pass a function, which will be called at each new phrase. Normally this would be equal to the size in beats of the source to be cut (assuming some fixed signal buffer, sound file)


A function returning the number of equally spaced divisions in which to split a new phrase. The new currphraselength is passed as an argument to your function.


Some mapping function which permutes the normal playback order of slices. If it returned the index passed in, there would be no swapping of chunks of the sample around. Your arbitrary permutation function is passed the index to permute, the current number of subdivisions for the phrase, and the current position in the phrase. If you return values out of range, they'll be put into range for you.


A function returning the number of subdivisions for the next block. The default is one, giving no stuttering. Arguments passed in are the index, the subdivisions , and the position in beats in the current phrase.

Instance Methods


Called internally after a new.

Other methods are overrides of BBCutProc base class behaviour. BBCPPermute will flag a roll when stuttering.
