AlgaLib/Classes (extension) | Alga


Alga module representing a monophonic interpolated sequencer


An AlgaMonoPattern is a monophonic sequencer with interpolation capabilities. It works similarly to an link AlgaPattern, with the difference of the pattern being triggered sequentially. AlgaMonoPatterns feature a set of special keys:

1. rate - The rate of the sequencer, defaulting to \control. Accepted values are: \control, \kr, \audio, \ar.

2. chans - The number of channels of the sequencer, defaulting to 1. This can be aliased to channels, numChans, numChannels.

3. in - The values of the sequencer. This can be aliased to value, val.

4. time - The interpolation times between triggers. This can be aliased to interpTime, it.

5. shape - The interpolation shapes of the interpolation times. This can be aliased to interpShape, is.
