High order ambisonics using IEM Plugins:
vstplugin/Guides (extension) | UGens > FX

High order ambisonics using IEM Plugins

Working with High Order Ambisonics in SuperCollider using the IEM Plugins and the SuperCollider VST package by IEM


In this example we will test out an high order ambisonic workflow using plugins and SuperCollider.

The workflow usually in ambisonics is like this: Sound source -> [Fx] -> Encoder (panning/conversion to ambisonic domain) -> [Fx] -> [Master FX] -> Decoding (to arbitrary speaker setups)

We will make functions that will allocate encoder "voices" as groups in SuperCollider and put our sound sources into those, then route it all through an fx group and finally through a decoder for listening.

We will then manipulate and modulate the VST plugins using SuperCollider LFOs.

