say (extension) | Speech Synthesis


prepare text-to-speech in buffers


SayBuf helps the Say class to render text-to-speech as soundfiles and buffers, in order to use play them as sound sources within SC.

Rendering say-events to soundfiles is on average 15-40x faster than realtime (tested on a 2014 Macbook Pro), so with short text fragments, writing soundfiles and reading them into buffers is fast enough for near-realtime use.

SayBuf has two schemes for preparing buffers: By default, it uses a ring of 100 buffers that get used round-robin. This leaves the most recent buffers loaded, and is recommended.

Creating and freeing buffers individually is also supported.

Class Methods


the dir where SayBuf writes temporary soundfiles


free a buffer and delete its soundfile. By default, this waits for buffer duration * 1.1 + server latency before freeing the buffer.


clear all temp soundfiles from dir


the dictionary of recently created buffers


the ring of reserved buffers that get re-used when using roundRobin buffers.


prepare a buffer for a sayEvent



an event as used by Say, e.g.


the server on which to render the buffer


the action to perform when buffer is ready


More on Preparing Speech to Buffers

// TODO: measure all prepare variants and recommend best ones. // e.g. try with SayBuf.prepare in fork and non-fork versions.