redSampler/Classes (extension) | Red > redSampler


playing soundfiles from disk - fast trigger version


This version is recommended when syncing to a beat, triggering samples from MIDI or just need to start sample playback instantly. It works similar to the commercial giga sampler software as it preloads/cues small buffers into RAM and then streams the rest from disk. This allows you to have quick access to gigabytes of samples. Many more soundfiles than would fit in RAM.

This subclass works just as its parent RedDiskInSampler except that the preload happens when a sample stops. Therefore all preloaded soundfiles are kept open all the time and can thereby start playing right away.

NOTE: With this class you can not preload more than about 244 (122 if you have 2 overlaps etc.) files due to UNIX system limitations of how many files allowed to be kept open at the same time.

You may overcome this limitation with the following terminal command...

NOTE: Soundfiles with sample rate that differ from the server's current samplerate will play back at wrong speed. This because of how DiskIn works.

To test this class and see when and which files it loads, use the following command in terminal (osx only - xcode required)

Instance Methods
