RedMst controls track objects (i.e. RedTrk). It does so by sending play and stop messages to them synced to a clock. RedMst also has a global counter for sections. If a track is not already playing and is activated to play for a certain section, it gets sent a play message when RedMst reaches that section, else the track is stopped. The section counter is driven manually by user input ( *next, *goto, etc.) or by RedSeq. All messages controlling playback ( *next, *prev, *goto, *play, *stop ) are scheduled to happen on the next quant beat.
Play activated tracks on the next quant beat.
Play activated and stop non-activated tracks on the next quant beat.
Go to the next section (section= section+1) on the next quant beat.
Go to the previous section (section= section-1) on the next quant beat.
True if about to go somewhere on the next quant beat.
Stop all tracks on the next quant beat.
Stop and remove all tracks, reset section counter and stop the clock. Clears action function.
Dictionary of all tracks. Tracks (i.e. RedTrk objects) add themselves here when created.
Master clock. If not set TempoClock.default
is used.
Master quant beat. The default is 4.
Counter for current section.
Highest section found among all tracks.
This is nil
if not going somewhere. And it will equal the next section index if about to go to that section on the next quant beat.
How much time ahead play the stop message will be scheduled. The default is 0.05 seconds.
Next and previous methods skip over sections that does not have active tracks. The default is false.
A function to be evaluated when section changes.
Returns a boolean.
Returns track for key.
Done automatically for all new instances of RedTrk.
Usually done with *clear. Removes a track from master controller.
Convenience method. See RedMstGUI