PLx and live coding with Strings:
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PLx and live coding with Strings

PLx patterns as placeholders for sequencing with letters


Strings and Chars as high-level representations for musical objects can be used for sequencing with very condensed syntax. This is already possible with standard patterns like Pseq etc. – PLx list patterns fit this concept as their referenced Arrays/Strings can be replaced on the fly. Examples below also use EventShortcuts to minimize typing.

WARNING: Sequencing with infinite Patterns/Streams has always the potential of hangs. E.g. Psym hangs if all referenced pattern return nil (SC 3.7.2). Here convenience method Pattern: -symplay is suggested: it employs PsymNilSafe, its method embedInStream performs a check like in James Harkins' PnNilSafe from ddwPatterns quark (which can't be used directly this case). symplay thus avoids hangs of that type, see Ex.2b) Embedding with continuation.


Ex.1) Straight usage with finite Patterns and Events

Ex.2) Repeated embedding

Control of embedding resp. the number of Events, that one Patterns should produce when played, is a subtle topic. A basic distinction is whether an embedded sequence should be produced with desired behaviour from begin to end (2a) or it should be paused and resumed (2b). The latter is the classical behaviour of Streams, but it can be mimiced with PSx stream patterns. In any case embedding can be done with varying length, e.g. by defined sequences or by interaction.

2a) Embedding without continuation

Use SynthDefs from above.


Ex.2b) Embedding with continuation

Use SynthDefs from above.

Ex.3) Parallel embedding

Use SynthDefs from above.

Ex.4) Use of other PLx list patterns

Use SynthDefs from above.

Ex.5) PLbindef and PLbindefPar

High-level control of Strings can be combined with replacing key streams with PLbindef/PLbindefPar.

NOTE: You should always do cleanup with PLbindef: -remove / PLbindefPar: -remove or Pdef: -removeAll after finishing the examples (see notes in PLbindef / PLbindefPar).

Ex.5a) PLbindef

Use SynthDefs from above.

Ex.5b) PLbindefPar

Use SynthDefs from above.

Ex.6) String sequencing with PbindFx

Control with Strings can be thought in many ways. With effects one can e.g. use different Strings for src and fx sequencing.


Ex.6a) PbindFx

Ex.6b) PbindFx and PLbindef

Use SynthDefs from last example.