Buffer Granulation:
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Buffer Granulation

different approaches to buffer granulation with gui examples


As with many things in SC work can be done by language or server. Speaking about granulation in general this mainly concerns the control of single grains, their rate, timing, length and other parameters. Regarding buffer granulation specifically this task can e.g. be taken over by ugens like TGrains and GrainBuf, the latter additionally accepting a grain envelope arg. The SC plugin distribution contains further variations (see BhobUGens, JoshUGens). By using granulation ugens in a SynthDef granular textures can be produced with a single Synth, including grain parameter sequencing with demand rate ugens, the DX_suite opens additional genuine options in this regard. Alternatively SynthDefs for single grains can be defined with PlayBuf or BufRd in order to control the whole buffer granulation process from language side, using Patterns, Tasks or Routines. What is the best way? To a large extent this is a question of personal preference. Regarding CPU performance granulation ugens have an advantage, whereas e.g. pattern-driven granulation allows concise control over the sequencing of granulation parameters in a clear syntax. If pattern-driven granulation is becoming CPU-critical you might want to consider the event type \grain, a lightweight variant of default type \note (see comment in the source file Event.sc). For granulation with Tasks see VarGui, Ex.3.

Also hybrid strategies are possible, e.g. language controlled setting of a single granulation Synth or involving extra control synths in a language-driven granulation process, further options are Pspawner / Pspawn and Wavesets. VarGui can be used to integrate these setups in single GUIs. Together with this file (miSCellaneous v0.7) I reinvented a color grouping option that overrides automatic color grouping (VarGui, Ex.7). The latter is based on the logical structure of ordinary and array controls, synths and environments. This is useful for VarGuis up to a medium number of controls per Synth / Pattern / Task and also for a large number of such items, but it doesn't handle cases well where there are many controls per item. Not barely an aesthetic detail, it is much more convenient for experimenting to group all sliders of a Synth that, say, have to do with a bandpass filter, within one color.

Types of variables

In general interpreter variables are prefered in examples below, wherever possible. If evaluated with example code only their values are passed and further changing of used variables doesn't affect already generated gui instances. On the contrary repeated evaluation of an interpreter variable, e.g. from a Pfunc, is unsafe - variable's value could change while gui has not yet been closed - so in concerned examples values are passed to the event definition, in Ex.2c a variable is declared for the same reason. The use of environmental variables is following the way VarGui is handling them. Per default every EventStreamPlayer derived from a passed Pattern is run in a separate newly generated Environment, where variables are being set and Streams from Pfuncs and PLx patterns are reading from. See Event_patterns_and_Functions, PLx_suite and VarGui.

  1. Be careful with amplitudes, especially with buffers you haven't granulated before! Also keep in mind that a granular cloud moving through a buffer can suddenly become louder and other controls than amp (e.g. buffer position, trigger rate, bandpass parameters) can cause a raise of amplitude too.
  2. I haven't used below setups for live performances. Although all of them work stable for me as they are, in general hangs can occasionally happen with pattern-driven setups. Often this can be tracked down to sequences of extremely short event durations (and/or long grain durations). Where this can happen as a side-effect, thresholds can be built in, e.g. Ex.2d (Wavesets) has a parameter maxTrigRate. Another possible source of hangs is careless deep nesting of Patterns where mistakes can easily occur. Starting with clear Pattern structures is recommended - and if more complications are involved: testing without sound first, after saving your patch, might be a good idea.
NOTE: All variants from this tutorial can be applied to a buffer, which is occasionally (or continuously) filled with live input. Vice versa variants from Live_Granulation can of course be applied to any signal, thus also to any playback of a buffer.

All examples below expect mono buffers. Buffer paths refering to the included sample suppose that you have installed via quarks or moved miSCellaneous lib into the user or system extensions directory directly (not into a subfolder), if not so or you have moved the sample file somewhere else you'd have to change paths accordingly.

Due to a bug in SC 3.7 / 3.8 TGrains didn't response to amp changes, I changed the examples accordingly, the bug is fixed in 3.9.

While other parts of miSCellaneous lib were running fine I was unable to allocate buffers with the SC 3.5.4 Windows binary in August 2012. Meanwhile this issue has been solved (SC 3.6.6, February 2014). There also seemed to be accuracy issues with OffsetOut on Windows with SC 3.6 still, but not with newer versions.


Thanks for contributions and inspirations by SCers Alberto de Campo (Wavesets), James Harkins (Patterns), Ron Kuivila (Pspawner), Sergio Luque (stochastic distributions), Josh Parmenter (granulation plugins), Bhob Rainey (granulation plugins).


  1. de Campo, Alberto. "Microsound" In: Wilson, S., Cottle, D. and Collins, N. (eds). 2011. The SuperCollider Book. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 463-504.
  2. Luque, Sergio (2006). Stochastic Synthesis, Origins and Extensions. Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatory, The Netherlands. http://sergioluque.com
  3. Roads, Curtis (2001). Microsound. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  4. Seidl, Fabian (2016). Granularsynthese mit Wavesets für Live-Anwendungen. Master Thesis, TU Berlin. http://www2.ak.tu-berlin.de/~akgroup/ak_pub/abschlussarbeiten/2016/Seidl_MasA.pdf
  5. Wishart, Trevor (1994). Audible Design. York: Orpheus The Pantomime Ltd.
  6. Xenakis, Iannis (1992). Formalized Music. Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2nd Revised edition.


1. Granulation with Ugens

Ex.1a: Basic buffer granulation Synth


Ex.1b: More deviations

Ex.1c: Buffer granulation Synth with external control synths

Ex.1d: Buffer granulation Synth with demand rate ugens


Ex.1e: Buffer granulation Synth with per-grain effect processing (TGrains)


Ex.1f: Buffer granulation Synth with per-grain effect processing (DXEnvFan)


Ex.1g: Buffer granulation with (half) wavesets: ZeroXBufRd


Ex.1h: Buffer granulation with (half) wavesets: TZeroXBufRd


2. Granulation driven by language

Ex.2a: Basic buffer granulation Pbind

NOTE: Language-driven sequencing is not sample-exact in realtime (with NRT synthesis it is). This is related to hardware control and cannot be overcome currently. However for most practical purposes this might not be relevant. It is anyway a far less strong effect than the inaccuracies related to Out.ar and the combination of OffsetOut.ar and In.ar (see examples 2a-d in Live_Granulation)


Ex.2b: Switching between stochastic distributions


Ex.2c: Generating granular phrases with Pspawner


Ex.2d: Wave sets


3. Hybrid Implementations

Ex.3a: Granulation with ugen plus step sequencing

Ex.3b: Using external control synths

Ex.3c: Switching between ugens of external control synths

Ex.3d: Pattern-driven sequencing of granular events using demand rate ugens


4. Extensions of Setups