miSCellaneous_lib/Classes (extension) | Libraries > miSCellaneous > Other patterns


monophonic event pattern for an arbitrary number of timed setting streams


This is similar to Pmono, but allows an arbitrary number of differently timed setting streams in parallel.

History: PmonoPar and PpolyPar grew out of discussions on sc-users list, based on an example by Jonatan Liljedahl. Thanks to him, Ron Kuivila, user Monsieur and others for their comments on this – I then suggested classes PsetGroup and PsetFxGroup, which internally used Pgroup. Meanwhile I reworked the implementation, but it's still based on groups. I renamed PsetGroup to PmonoPar – as this makes the functionality more clear – and PsetFxGroup to PpolyPar, as it can be used with or without effect synths, the crucial point is the setting of parallel streams.

Class Methods


Creates a new PmonoPar object.



SequenceableCollection of SequenceableCollections containing key/value pairs. Each of the inner collections represents the data of one synth setting stream. Per convention key/value pairs written after a pair with \dur will cause setting, pairs before will not. If keys \midinote, \note or \degree are occuring after \dur, they will be converted to a frequency value, which will be used for setting the arg 'freq'.


Symbol or String. Name of the SynthDef to be used for the synth being set. Defaults to \default.


Number. Offset to be taken for time-shifting synth init and streams. Defaults to 1e-6.



Ex.1a: PmonoPar with differently timed streams


Ex.1b: Passing values by using the value conversion framework


Ex.2: Data sharing between streams of PmonoPar


Ex.3: Data sharing between streams of parallel PmonoPars