MiOmi is a FM Synth-Voice with integrated multi-mode filter. It's based on 'ominous', "a dark 2x2-op FM synth", which hides as 'easteregg' in the Elements eurorack module. It is mildly optimized, skips oversampling and reverb found in the original and has a few extensions.
audio_in |
External modulation signal input. |
gate |
Gate input. A transition from non-positive to positive triggers the internal amplitude and filter envelope. |
pit |
MIDI-pitch |
contour |
Envelope contour (0. -- 1.), ranging from various AD to ADSR curves. |
detune |
Detuning value (0. -- 1.) of second oscillator |
level1 |
Level of first oscillator (0. -- 1.) |
level2 |
Level of second oscillator (0. -- 1.) |
ratio1 |
Carrier/modulator ratio of first oscillator (0. -- 1.) |
ratio2 |
Carrier/modulator ratio of second oscillator (0. -- 1.) |
fm1 |
Modulation amount of first oscillator (0. -- 1.) |
fm2 |
Modulation amount of second oscillator (0. -- 1.) |
fb |
Feedback modulation amount of both oscillators (0. -- 1.) |
xfb |
Cross feedback amount (0. -- 1.) |
filter_mode |
Multi-mode filter, going from LP , HP to BP (0. -- 1.) |
cutoff |
Cutoff frequency of the filter unit (0. -- 1.) |
reson |
Filter resonance (0. -- 1.) |
strength |
Offset for amlitude and filter envelopes (0. -- 1.) |
env |
Envelope amount for filter (0. -- 1.) |
rotate |
Rotation speed of stereo image (0. -- 1.) |
space |
Width of stereo image (0. -- 1.) |
left and right audio channel
( // basic
{ MiOmi.ar(pit: 50, level1:1, level2:0.5, ratio1:0.49, fm1:0.5) }.play
( // external FM
var fmfreq = MouseX.kr(2, 1000);
var fmamp = MouseY.kr(0, 1);
var extFM = SinOsc.ar(fmfreq,0,fmamp);
MiOmi.ar(extFM, pit: 40, fm1: 0.5, fm2: 0.5, xfb: 0.1, cutoff: 0.9)}.play
( // filter and cutoff modulation
var filtmod = LFTri.kr(0.23).range(0,1);
var gate = LFPulse.kr(6,0,0.2);
var cf = LFTri.kr(0.2).range(0,0.5);
MiOmi.ar(0, gate, pit: 48, contour: 0.1, fm1: 0.5, fm2: 0.5, fb:0.5, strength: 0,
filter_mode: filtmod, cutoff: cf, env: 0.5)
( // cross feedback
var xfb = LFTri.kr(0.2).range(0,1);
MiOmi.ar(pit: 43, xfb: xfb)