ddwPatterns/Classes (extension) | Streams-Patterns-Events > Patterns > List


Partial-shuffle list pattern


Like Pshuf, Pnshuf streams out the members of a list in random order.

The differences are:

"local" flag

Two behaviors are available:

Patterns are normally supposed to be stateless, so that they can be embedded into any stream, anywhere, and each stream exhibits independent behavior. The default, local = true, follows this principle.

Local = false, then, is safe only if you are sure that a particular Pnshuf instance will be embedded in only one stream at a time -- no parallel usage! If you need parallel usage and local = false, you should have a separate Pnshuf instance for each parallel stream.

Class Methods


Create and return a new Pnshuf instance.



The list of items to be shuffled and streamed out.


How many of these items to stream out in one embedding.


If false (default), parallel-safe, but items may repeat before all the others are streamed out. If true, each ordering will be used in full, but the pattern object will not be safe for parallel streaming.

Instance Methods


Get or set the local flag (Boolean).


Local = true: "3, 2, 1" vs "3, 4, 2" vs "4, 2, 1" etc. are all completely independent shuffles -- hence, starting at the beginning of this output, the value 3 appears a second time, before 4 had a chance to appear.

With local = false, the shuffled orderings are "2, 4, 1, 3" vs "1, 2, 4, 3" vs "1, 2, 3, 4" etc -- but the interspersed 100s interrupt these.

As a series of pitches (non-local streaming):