crucial-library/Classes (extension) | Libraries > crucial > Players


the result of performing a unary op on a Player


see [Operators]

neg .. inversion reciprocal .. reciprocal abs .. absolute value floor .. next lower integer ceil .. next higher integer frac .. fractional part sign .. -1 when a < 0, +1 when a > 0, 0 when a is 0 squared .. a*a cubed .. a*a*a sqrt .. square root exp .. exponential midicps .. MIDI note number to cycles per second cpsmidi .. cycles per second to MIDI note number midiratio .. convert an interval in MIDI notes into a frequency ratio ratiomidi .. convert a frequency ratio to an interval in MIDI notes dbamp .. decibels to linear amplitude ampdb .. linear amplitude to decibels octcps .. decimal octaves to cycles per second cpsoct .. cycles per second to decimal octaves log .. natural logarithm log2 .. base 2 logarithm log10 .. base 10 logarithm sin .. sine cos .. cosine tan .. tangent asin .. arcsine acos .. arccosine atan .. arctangent sinh .. hyperbolic sine cosh .. hyperbolic cosine tanh .. hyperbolic tangent distort .. distortion softclip .. distortion isPositive .. 1 when a >= 0, else 0 isNegative .. 1 when a < 0, else 0 isStrictlyPositive .. 1 when a > 0, else 0

Class Methods




Instance Methods







