crucial-library/Classes (extension) | Libraries > crucial > Instr | Libraries > crucial > Players


a Pbind-like spawner that plays an Instr with streams supplied to its inputs


a Pbind-like spawner that plays an Instr with streams supplied to its inputs.

In contrast to InstrSpawner, this schedules in beats.

During iteration, each argument is passed the InstrGateSpawner. Two useful things can be done with this: asking the .beat and the current .delta till the next event.

Compared to Pbind

Its a different approach and has plusses and minuses.

Pbind streams each item, whether it is going to change or not (a float will not change, an Env will not change). so InstrGateSpawner has much more simple/efficient event handling, not using an environment streamed items are placed directly into the OSC message to be sent only using the features that are needed for the ugenFunc no lag, offsetChannel etc. But as computers and SC get faster, this speed advantage is less significant.

allows easy patching of players into the inputs allows easy patching of Samples and allocates them seamlessly. beat is passed into each stream item this solves a common 'sync' problem with event stream's note-by-note streaming. but you could use the same solution in a Pfunc and just query the clock to find out the current beat. the usual flexibility of players with regards to saving

cons: can't do Pseq([ Pbind, Pbind ] ) it isn't a pattern, doesn't end with a nil, so you can't sequence sections with it. but it is possible to use CropPlayer and Pseq or PlayerSeqTrack. can't use pattern filters can't switch ugenFuncs dynamically

compare with the first example from Pbind help

the server usage is identical as should be expected, but the client side (using top) is about half the cpu. on another day, the test shows equal usage ! and then a minute later Pbind does show more usage. top is not really a good measure. simply because there is a lot less code running, InstrGateSpawner must be faster. they both have advantages in their way of working, and can both be used side by side.

Instance Methods





( InstrGateSpawner({ arg freq=440,rq=0.1,width=0.5,fenv,fenvmod=1000,envadsr,dur=0.1,tempo; var gate; gate =,dur / tempo); freq, 0.0, width ),,gate,levelScale: fenvmod), rq) *,gate,0.15, doneAction: 2) },[ PdurStutter( Pseq(#[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,0,4,4],inf), Pseq((70 + [ 0, 1, 4, 8, 10, 15 ]).midicps ,inf) ), 0.2, Patch({,3.0),[0.0,0.5],0.5,0.5) }), Env.adsr(0.3,sustainLevel: 0.1), Pbrown(6000,10000,100), Env.adsr(releaseTime: 0.5),

// dur uses a Pfunc to ask the delta till the next event Pfunc({ arg igs; ( * rrand(0.9,2.0)) }), ], Prand([ Pn(0.125,16), Pn(0.25,8), Prand([0.5,0.25,0.125,0.3],4), 0.5,0.75,2.0],inf) // in beats ).play )

Chord changes however crazy the durations get, the current chord and pitch is determined by indexing into a chord progression using the current beat: igs.beat ( InstrGateSpawner({ arg freq,rq,width,fenv,fenvmod,envperc,dur,tempo; var gate; gate =,dur / tempo); freq, width ),,gate,levelScale: fenvmod), rq) *,gate,0.3, doneAction: 2) },[ // using the beat to index into chord changes Pfunc({ arg igs; ( // choose degree convert it via a scale to a note number ( [1,3,5].choose.degreeToKey([ 0, 1, 4, 8, 12 ]) ) // choose an octave + 30 + [0,11,23,35].choose // 1 4 5 1 chord progression + [1,4,5,1].wrapAt(igs.beat div: 16) ).midicps }), // rq input is a mono kr rate patch Patch({,1.0),0.0).range(0.01,0.4) }), //note that the patch has expanded to stereo because the width input is a stereo kr rate Patch : Patch({,1.0),[0.0,0.5],0.5,0.5) }), Env.adsr(0.2,0.01,0.1), 12000, Env.adsr(0.01,0.1,0.2, 0.05), Pfunc({ arg igs; ( * rrand(0.1,5.0)) }), ], PdurStutter( Pseq([1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,4,3,3,0,2,1,1,1,1],inf), 0.25 ) ).play )

anything that returns a rate of \stream (a Pattern or Function) will cause an .ir rate input to be created for the synth.

// if you click on the sample's filename, you can select a new sample while playing // and it will load it. // note that the old tempo settings persist until the end of the bar (

InstrGateSpawner({ arg sample,start=0,dur,env; var gate; gate =,dur /; sample.numChannels, sample.bufnumIr, sample.pchRatioKr, 1, start * sample.beatsizeIr, 1 ) *,gate, doneAction: 2) },[ Sample("a11wlk01.wav"), 0,//Pseq([0,1,2,3],inf), 4.0, Env.adsr(0.02,releaseTime:0.01)



// basic time stretching // change the (global) tempo using the tempo control at the top // you can also change the beats setting on the sample ( var sample; InstrGateSpawner({ arg sample,start=0,dur,pchRatio,env; var gate; gate =,dur /; sample.numChannels, sample.bufnumIr, sample.bufRateScaleIr * pchRatio, 1, start, 1 ) *,gate, doneAction: 2) },[ sample = Sample("a11wlk01.wav"), Pfunc({ arg igs; (igs.beat * sample.beatsize).wrap(0,sample.end) // in samples }), 0.125, KrNumberEditor(1.0,[-4.0,4.0]), Env.adsr(0.02,releaseTime:0.1)



There is also a problem (currently) on the server whereby it can't accept the OSC commands while it is dealing with loading the sample. You can use ScurryableInstrGateSpawner-scurry, a subclass of InstrGateSpawner that can scurry ahead of time, sending OSC bundles to keep the server's synthesis thread occupied while the thread that does the soundfile loading is busy. This issue will probably be resolved on the server.

See [Interface] so you can design guis with no sample display or interfaces with no gui at all.

when using your own guis : to use a slider: Pfunc({ numberEditor.value }) or AsStream( ) or make your own gui and poll the slider: Pfunc({ slider.value })

A metro-gnome ( var nome,layout; nome = InstrGateSpawner({ arg freq,amp;, 0.01,0.11, freq, 0, amp ) ) *,doneAction: 2) },[ Pseq([ 750, 500, 300, 500, 750, 500, 400, 500, 750, 500, 400, 500, 750, 500, 400, 500 ],inf), Pseq([1,0.25,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.25,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.25,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.25,0.5,0.25] * 0.1,inf) ],1.0);

layout =;

ToggleButton(layout,"Gnome",{ if(nome.isPlaying.not,{ 1) }) },{ if(nome.isPlaying,{ nome.stop }) },minWidth: 250);
