Apply focus to a Higher Order Ambisonic signal (HOA) along an arbitrary axis & radius.
in |
The input signal. |
angle |
Distortion angle, in radians. -pi/2 to pi/2 |
theta |
Azimuth, in radians. |
phi |
Elevation, in radians. |
radius |
Radius, in meters. |
order |
Ambisonic order. |
Applies focus along the axis defined by theta and phi at radius.
Focus is a normalised dominance variant, specified in terms of a distortion angle. Positive values of angle maintain gain at [theta, phi]
, while reducing at [theta.neg, phi.neg]
. Negative values do the inverse. The default, 0, results in no change.
In contrast with HoaZoom, gain is maintained at 0dB in the direction of distortion.
Imaging is illustrated here.