adclib/Classes (extension) | Control


crossfade between parameter settings


ParamXFade can crossfade a set of parameters of a process (e.g. an Ndef or a Tdef) from their current values to a destination over a fadeTime.

This is useful for morphing between presets flexibly.

First code example:

Class Methods


create a new ParamXFade for ...



a specific object


optional - initial time to crossfade


optional initial timestep


select which methods to use for getting/setting: default value \uni uses methods given in getSetDict:


a dictinonary of getFuncs and setFuncs. currently only \uni (as used by Tdef, Ndef, Pdef), others to follow.

Instance Methods


the object whose params will be faded


get and set fadeTime for the fading task


get and set timestep for the fading task


get and set destination for the fade; can be set while crossfading.


set destination and optionally fadeTime, start fading task

internal fade variables


the param names in the current destination


the param values in the current destination


the current param values the object is set to


the remaining time to crossfade


the index from 1.0 to 0.0 how far the crossfade has progressed

internal variables


the task that does the crossfade


the type of get and set functions used



the get and set functions used



functions to run when crossfade task starts and ends
