Wavesets analyses soundfiles into short fragments called wavesets, and contains these waveset data and their info. It can support a variety of waveset based synthesis instruments.
By Trevor Wishart's definition, a waveset is a segment of an audio signal between one non-positive to positive zero crossing and the next. [ see T. Wishart (1994): Audible Design. ] Note that this definition only applies to mono signals.
In extension of that concept, the Wavesets class provides fractional zero crossings, amplitude analyses, and other statistical data.
See also the end of Chapter 16, Microsound, in the SuperCollider Book at MIT Press for detailed examples - code available here:
prepare some basic synthdefs that can be used for Wavesets synthesis (when using the eventFor method).
global dict for all instances of Wavesets
access instances in Wavesets.all by name (key).
key |
a symbol. |
clear all existing wavesets from the Wavesets.all.
make a Wavesets from a MONO soundfile at path.
path |
the path to the soundfile. |
name |
the name by which to store the Wavesets instance. |
toBuffer |
flag whether to make a buffer that that soundfile. default = true. |
server |
the server on which to load the soundfile. default = s. |
make a new Wavesets instance. *from is much more common.
The minimum number of sample points a single Waveset can have. This is used to avoid lots of extremely short samples in noisy samples. Logical minimum is 2, default is 10.
get and set the name of the default synthdef to use in Wavesets event-related methods.
the audio signal that was analysed.
the wavesets name in the global dictionary
a buffer on the server that was created from the same soundfile
the number of frames of the soundfile, the buffer and the Wavesets
the sample rate of the signal/buffer. default is s.sampleRate
all integer indices of the zero crossings found
total number of zero crossings found
lengths of all wavesets
peak amplitude of every waveset
indices of positive maximum value in every waveset
indices of negative minimum value in every waveset
the calculated fractional zerocrossing points. This allows for more precise pitch information and waveset transitions, resulting in smoother sound.
fractional lengths - in effect, this is 1/wavesetFreq.
shorted waveset
longest waveset
average length of all wavesets
weighted average length - so bigger wavesets have a larger impact
softest waveset amplitude
loudest waveset amplitude
average amplitude of the entire waveset
weighted average of (squared) amplitude of the entire waveset
generate an event for a given combination of start waveset index, number of wavesets, repeats, playback rate, and use of fractional crossings.
startWs, numWs, repeats, playRate, useFrac |
analyse the entire soundfile, then do finishFunc
analyse the soundfile from given startFrame to endFrame
analysis to do after loading.
create a buffer for the Waevesets on the server given.
plot a section of <length> Wavesets from <startWs>
To play a waveset (or group) for a precise number of repetitions, one can use a SynthDef with a hard cutoff envelope, as below. Note that adding an offset outside the phasor works better; Phasor.ar(0, playRate, start, end) is sometimes off by a few samples. This is likely a 32bit float precision problem.