TraerParticle | TraerParticle(m) - move around in 3D space based on forces applied to them (m is mass) |
TraerParticleSystem | TraerParticleSystem(gx, gy, gz, drag) - takes care of gravity, drag, making particles, applying forces and advancing the simulation (gx, gy, gz are default gravity) |
TraerAttraction | TraerAttraction(a, b, k, distanceMin) - act on two particles (a and b, k is strength) |
TraerSpring | TraerSpring(a, b, ks, d, r) - act on two particles (a and b, ks is spring constant, d is damping and r rest length) |
TraerVector3D | TraerVector3D(x, y, z) - vector class |
TraerForce | abstract class for TraerAttractor and TraerSpring |
TraerIntegrator | abstract class for the integrator classes |
TraerRungeKuttaIntegrator | the default integrator (\RUNGE_KUTTA) |
TraerModifiedEulerIntegrator | alternative integrator that requires less cpu (\MODIFIED_EULER) |
TraerEulerIntegrator | unused integrator |