The Standalone quark allows exporting a fully self-contained macOS Standalone from a setup in a SuperCollider environment, and locking it against accidental installation changes.
First quick example - install this quark:
This should end with opening the new app, and playing a little line of chords when all is well.
export current SuperCollider app and its quark setup as a standalone. exporting may sometimes fail for unknown reasons. please report if that happens. :
the name of the current app
the path to the current app
the dir where the current app is
Turn the current app into a selfcontained standalone.
Turn checking for paths on startup on and off.
a flag whether Standalone will check for locking on startup
Standalone will check for self-containedness on startup if lock file is present.
the filename and path for the lock file (inside String.scDir)
the folder name and path for the internal Extentions dir (inside String.scDir)
checks whether is already in the default SCClassLibrary
checks whether is in the InternalExtensions folder
moves to the default SCClassLibrary
check whether includePaths and excludePaths are set for self-containment.
remove all includePaths except internalExtDir
exclude userAppSupportDir and systemAppSupportDir
add internalExtDir to includePaths
return default codestring for making a startupFiles
return default codestring for making a startup.scd
check and set dirPaths for standalone if needed. returns flag true when changes were made.
Most of these should not be neceassary, because export works well now.