SenseWorld/Classes (extension) | Control


Put data from a function onto a bus


DataBus evaluates a function at a regular time interval and puts the resulting data on a control bus on the server.

Class Methods


Creates a new DataBus



Function to be evaluated which provides the data for the server


Number of channels for the bus. The function should give as a result an Array with the same size as the number of channels given.


An instance of Server. If none is given the default server is used.

Instance Methods


Create the bus, and start the updater. This is called automatically when a new instance is created, but it may be used if the method free was called previously during the session.


Free the bus, and stop the updater.


Scale factor with which the result of the function is scaled before putting the values on the bus.


The update rate. This is the delta time at which the function is evaluated.


The Bus object to which the data is set.


The function to be evaluated.


Number of channels of the bus.


The Server object on which the bus is.