Scintillator Scinth Server Command Reference:
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Scintillator Scinth Server Command Reference

A list of all OSC commands accepted by scinsynth

OSC Communication Details

While the SuperCollider synth programs support a variety of connection modalities and multi-user scenarios, at present scinsynth only supports a single client commnicating exclusively over UDP. For asynchronous messages the server will respond to whatever UDP address and port messages are received from.

In general Scintillator attempts to follow the command syntax and semantics of the SuperCollider sound synthesis servers, with the addition of a /scin_ prefix to each OSC command and response. In some cases the commands are identical, and the documentation has been copied verbatim from the Server Command Reference.

Some commands are marked as asynchronous, which in this context means they will send a response message back to the sender, sometimes /scin_done, upon completion of the command. For any command marked as asynchronous Scintillator is designed to always return a message, even if the execution of the command failed or the message body didn't parse.

Master Controls


Quit program. Exits the scinsynth server.

Replies to sender with /scin_done just before completion.


Query the status. Replies to sender with the following message:

intnumber of Scinths in the render tree.
intnumber of Groups in the render tree.
intnumber of loaded ScinthDefs.
intcumulative number of warnings in log.
intcumulative number of errors in log.
doubleapproximate graphics memory consumed, in bytes.
doubleapproximage graphics memory available, in bytes. Some graphics drivers don't support this statistic, in which case it will be 0.
inttarget frame rate in frames per second (can be -1 or 0)
doublecomputed mean framerate.
intnumber of dropped frames, if running real time, 0 otherwise.


Log incoming OSC messages.

int0 to disable logging. Nonzero to enable.


Notify when all outstanding aync commands have completed.

Replies with a /scin_synced message when all asynchronous commands received before this one have completed. The reply will contain the sent unique ID.

Replies to sender with /scin_synced, ID when complete.


Set the logging level for the log streams. Lower log levels are inclusive of all higher log levels, so they tend to log more, and the highest log level turns off logging. This overrides any command-line argument supplied to scinsynth at startup.

This command is similar to the SuperCollider server command /error but offers more options for access to the built-in logging.

intlog level

The values for the log level are as follows:

5Critical Errors
6Disable Logging


Query the Scintillator version. Replies to sender with the following message:

stringProgram name. Will always be "scinsynth".
intScintillator major version number.
intScintillator minor version number.
intScintillator patch version number.
stringGit branch name.
stringFirst seven hex digits of the commit hash.

It is expected that the scinsynth binary will always have the same major, minor, and patch version as the Scintillator Quark.

Scinth Definition Commands


Recive a Scinth definition yaml file.

stringA string of yaml data containing one or more ScinthDef documents.
bytesoptional, an OSC message to execute upon completion.
Replies to sender with /scin_done when complete.


Load a ScinthDef yaml file from disk.

stringpathname of file to load.
bytesoptional, an OSC message to execute upon completion.
Replies to sender with /scin_done when complete.


Load a directory of Scinth definitions.

stringdirectory of *.yaml files to load.
bytesoptional, an OSC message to execute upon completion.
Replies to sender with /scin_done when complete.


Delete Scinth defenitions. Note that any existing Scinths will continue to run, and the resources associated with this ScinthDef will not be reclaimed until all running Scinth instances built from this ScinthDef are also freed.

N * stringScinthDef names to free.

Node Commands


Delete a node.

N * intnode ID

Stops a node abruptly, removes it from its group, and frees its memory. More than one nodeID may be specified as additional integer arguments in the message. If a node is a group this command will free all contained nodes as well.


Turn node on or off from rendering.

intnode ID
intrun flag

Can take pairs of arguments and will apply the run flag to each provided node ID at the same time.


Set a node's control value(s).

intnode ID
N *
int or stringA control index or name
int or floatA control value


Place a node before another.

N *
intthe ID of the node to place (A)
intthe ID of the node before which the above is placed (B)

Places node A in the same group as node B, to execute immediately before node B.


Place a node after another.

N *
intthe ID of the node to place (A)
intthe ID of the node after which the above is placed (B)

Places node A in the same group as node B, to execute immediately after node B.


Move and order a list of nodes.

intadd action (0,1,2 or 3 see below)
intadd target ID
N * intnode IDs

Move the listed nodes to the location specified by the target and add action, and place them in the order specified. Nodes which have already been freed will be ignored.

add actions:
0construct the node order at the head of the group specified by the add target ID.
1construct the node order at the tail of the group specified by the add target ID.
2construct the node order just before the node specified by the add target ID.
3construct the node order just after the node specified by the add target ID.

Scinth Commands


Create a new Scinth.

stringscinth definition name
intscinth ID
intadd action
intadd target ID
N *
int or stringA control index or name
int or floatA control value

Create a new Scinth instance from the given ScinthDef, give it an ID, and add it to the tree of nodes. There are four ways to add the node to the tree as determined by the add action argument, with the same values as the SuperCollider audio synth server, defined as follows:

add actions:
0add the new node to the the head of the group specified by the add target ID.
1add the new node to the the tail of the group specified by the add target ID.
2add the new node just before the node specified by the add target ID.
3add the new node just after the node specified by the add target ID.
4the new node replaces the node specified by the add target ID. The target node is freed.
NOTE: The SuperCollider Synthesis Server command reference specifies if the provided ID number is -1, the server reserves all negative numbers for IDs, and so will assign a unique negative value to the Synth instance. Scintillator server is similar, but will treat any negative value as a request for a unique ID to be assigned.

Group Commands


Create a new group.

N *
intnew group ID
intadd action (0,1,2, 3 or 4 see below)
intadd target ID

Create a new group and add it to the tree of nodes. There are four ways to add the group to the tree as determined by the add action argument which is defined as follows (the same as for /s_new):

add actions:
0add the new group to the the head of the group specified by the add target ID.
1add the new group to the the tail of the group specified by the add target ID.
2add the new group just before the node specified by the add target ID.
3add the new group just after the node specified by the add target ID.
4the new node replaces the node specified by the add target ID. The target node is freed.

Multiple groups may be created in one command by adding arguments.


Add node to head of group.

N *
intgroup ID
intnode ID

Adds the node to the head (first to be executed) of the group.


Add node to tail of group.

N *
intgroup ID
intnode ID

Adds the node to the tail (last to be executed) of the group.


Deletes all nodes in a group, leaving the group empty but intact.

N * intgroup ID(s)

Recursively frees all nodes in the groups specified.


Free all Scinths in this group and all its sub-groups.

N * intgroup ID(s)

Traverses all groups below this group and frees all the Scinths. Sub-groups are not freed. A list of groups may be specified.


Post a representation of this group's node subtree.

N *
intgroup ID
intflag; if not 0 the current control (arg) values for synths will be posted

Posts a representation of this group's node subtree, i.e. all the groups and synths contained within it, optionally including the current control values for synths. The information is posted at the informational level in the log.


Get a representation of this group's node subtree.

N *
intgroup ID
intflag: if not 0 the current control (arg) values for Scinths will be included

Request a representation of this group's node subtree, i.e. all the groups and synths contained within it. Replies to the sender with a /g_queryTree.reply message listing all of the nodes contained within the group in the following format:

intflag: if Scinth control values are included 1, else 0
intnode ID of the requested group
intnumber of child nodes contained within the requested group
then for each node in the subtree:
intnode ID
intnumber of child nodes contained within this node. If -1 this is a Scinth, if >=0 it's a group
then, if this node is a Scinth:
symbolthe ScinthDef name for this node.
then, if flag (see above) is true:
intnumControls for this synth (M)
M *
symbolcontrol name

N.B. The order of nodes corresponds to their execution order on the server. Thus child nodes (those contained within a group) are listed immediately following their parent.

ImageBuffer Commands

The server leaves designation of unique image buffer numbers to the client. Allocation of an image buffer with a number already associated with another image buffer will result in the prior image buffer being deallocated.


Decodes an image, optionally resamples it to the provided size, allocates memory on the graphics device, and transfers the decoded image data to the image buffer.

intbuffer number
stringpath to image file to decode
intwidth of image (can be -1 to respect width of source image)
intheight of image (can be -1 to respect height of source image)
bytes(optional) an OSC message to execute upon completion

If both width and height are provided the source image will be resampled to that size, ignoring aspect ratio. If one of the width or height values is -1 then the image will be resampled to a size respecting the provided dimension and maintaining the aspect ratio of the other dimension. If both values are -1 then the image won't be resampled but will be loaded at original size. For example, for a source image that is 200 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall:

width requestedheight requestedbuffer widthbuffer heightnotes
400100400100Server will disregard aspect ratio of source image if both requested dimensions are nonnegative.
-15010050In order to maintain 2:1 aspect ratio server has computed a width of 50 px.
400-1400200In order to maintain 2:1 aspect ratio server has computed a height of 400 px.
-1-1200100Server has allocated width and height of source image.
Replies to sender with /scin_done /scin_ib_readImage bufNum when complete.


Get ImageBuffer info.

N * intImage buffer number(s)

Responds to the sender with a /scin_ib_info message. The arguments to /scin_ib_info are as follows:

N *
intImage bufer number
intImage size in bytes, 0 if invalid
intImage width, -1 if invalid
intImage height, -1 if invalid

Non Real Time Commands


Server will save a screenshot image of the next rendered frame to the supplied file name.

stringfile name and path to save the screenshot to.
string(optional) a mime type of the desired image file, to guide container and codec selection.
Replies to sender twice with updates. The first response is /scin_nrt_screenShot.ready, followed by the file name, which is sent once the screenshot is ready to record, and lastly a boolean with file status. The second reponse is on completion of the saving of the screenshot file, the server replies with /scin_done followed by /scin_nrt_screenShot, the name of the file saved, and a boolean with status on completion.


If framerate is at zero, renders one frame at the current time and then advances the time by the supplied fractional increment, in seconds.

intnumerator for fractional time advancement
intdenominator for fractional time advancement
Replies to sender with [ /scin_done, /scin_nrt_advanceFrame ].

Testing, Debugging and Development Commands

Commands useful for accessing the diagnostic functions or automated validation of scinsynth behavior.


Respond back to the caller with the provided message.

bytesAn OSC message to respond to the caller with.
Replies to the sender immediately with the provided message blob.


Add the supplied string to the logs at the supplied level.

intA log level, from 0-6, to associate with this log entry. See the table in /scin_logLevel for the log levels.
stringThe string to place in the logs.


Puts one of the asynchronous worker threads to sleep for the specified number of seconds.

intThe number of seconds to sleep for.
NOTE: This will tie up one of the available threads on the server, and is therefore not recommended for use in a performance or recording context.
Replies to the sender on wakeup with /scin_awake.


Prints a complete list of crash reports in the log, at the informational log level (2).

Replies to sender with [ /scin_done, /scin_logCrashReports ].


Mark a specific crash report, or all not uploaded reports, as upload requested.

stringA crash report UUID, or the string "all", in which case all reports will marked for upload.
Replies to sender with [ /scin_done, /scin_uploadCrashReport ].