Scintillator is designed to parallel, in as much a way as makes sense, the existing design conventions for audio synthesis established by SuperCollider.
Parallel Class | Scintillator Class | comments |
SynthDef | ScinthDef | The synth definition class for Scintillator, a template for Scinth objects. |
Synth | Scinth | A runnable instance of a ScinthDef template, capable of generating imagery on the server. |
Server | ScinServer | Represents the Scintillator server application. |
ServerOptions | ScinServerOptions | Options for controlling various features of the Scintillator features at boot time. |
For an exhaustive list of all supported Scintillator VGens, see the VGens-Overview.
Parallel UGen | VGen | comments |
SinOsc | VSinOsc | Sinusoidal oscillator. |
LFSaw | VSaw | Sawtooth oscillator. |
PlayBuf | VSampler | Image sampling VGen. |
BufFrames | VTextureSize | Dimensions of image buffer in pixels. |
Clip | VClamp | Constrain a signal within minimum and maximum values. |