Scintillator Parallels to SuperCollider Synth Classes:
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Scintillator Parallels to SuperCollider Synth Classes

A table of Scintillator classes similar to scsynth classes

Scintillator is designed to parallel, in as much a way as makes sense, the existing design conventions for audio synthesis established by SuperCollider.

General Class Parallels

Parallel ClassScintillator Classcomments
SynthDefScinthDefThe synth definition class for Scintillator, a template for Scinth objects.
SynthScinthA runnable instance of a ScinthDef template, capable of generating imagery on the server.
ServerScinServerRepresents the Scintillator server application.
ServerOptionsScinServerOptionsOptions for controlling various features of the Scintillator features at boot time.

VGen to UGen Parallels

For an exhaustive list of all supported Scintillator VGens, see the VGens-Overview.

Parallel UGenVGencomments
SinOscVSinOscSinusoidal oscillator.
LFSawVSawSawtooth oscillator.
PlayBufVSamplerImage sampling VGen.
BufFramesVTextureSizeDimensions of image buffer in pixels.
ClipVClampConstrain a signal within minimum and maximum values.