HOA Guide:
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HOA Guide

a small guide about the use of the HOA classes

he HOA library provides classes to encode, transform and decode Higher Order Ambisonics sound signals up to order 5. The basis for the library are UGens compiled from Faust code written by Pierre Lecomte. Documentation and tutorials are based in part on https://github.com/sekisushai/ambitools/blob/master/Documentation/documentation.pdf.

Additional plane wave encoders and optimizers have been added, adpated from CICM's HoaLibrary https://github.com/CICM/HoaLibrary-Faust and Aaron Heller's ambidecodertoolbox https://bitbucket.org/ambidecodertoolbox/adt.git.

The SuperCollider library was written by Florian Grond. It includes soundfield recordings made together with Romain Dumoulin using the Eigenmike from CIRMMT http://www.cirmmt.org.

Frontend classes are wrappers that select the correct low-level UGen depending on the intended ambisonics order. The b-format signal is encapsulated in a channel array, which makes the resulting SC code flexible to experiment with different orders e.g. to account for available computational resources. All arguments obey SuperCollider's Multichannel Expansion paradigm.

Some practical notes for working with higher order b-format signals:




Converting - Optimizing

Beam Forming


All of the three decoders allow to optionally load associated HRIR filters, and to render the ambisonics scene via headphones.