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Before using SATIE, we need to create a configuration. The configuration will typically specify the speaker layout, number of effect busses to use, etc. We can also configure the supernova server options, which are held in server.options variable. SATIE will prepare the synthdefs on the server and later we will be able to control their life cycle.
The above is somewhat a minimum to get SATIE running. We will use this simple configuration for the examples that follow.
TIP: It might be useful to peek at the list of SynthDefs that SATIE prepared on boot up. Evaluating the following line will open a window showing all SynthDefs and their parameters:
Now, let's make some noise. We can create instances of synths and pass them some initial arguments.
Now, we can control each instance individually:
We can also control the synth instances by setting properties to the entire group (more details about SATIE Groups later in this document.):
And, of course, we can change all spatialization parameters in one message:
Groups facilitate updating properties of sound objects in bulk. SATIE creates two groups automatically: default and defaultFX. All SATIE synth and effect instances will be placed in the respective group. User can create additional groups.
This example converts a 6 channel audio input that corresponds to 5.1 to stereo. The 5.1 channels should be in this order: Front-L, Center, Front-R, Surround-L, Surround-R, LFE.
This example spatializes a mono sound file.
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