This is the class to interface with a pre-SE PushPull.
PushPull is an instrument prototype created as part of the 3DMIN project. It features digital and analog controls, most prominently a bellow made from cardboard. Sound synthesis combines analogue sound generation with digital sound manipulation. Moving the hand piece activates the bellow: hand movements restricted by the limitations of the bellow turn into gestures and create air flow over a microphone. Inertial sensors in the hand piece together with a thumb stick allow for continuous sound shaping, while four buttons complete the setup to trigger changes or change between synthesis engines.
This class provides an interface to the hardware via OSC.
Creates a new PushPull instance.
netAddr |
the network port at which the PushPull is accessible. |
Action that is evaluated for each IMU update (progressive).
Action that is evaluated for each update of the capacitive sensors readings (progressive).
Action that is evaluated when an encoder is turned or a button is pressed.
Action that is evaluated when battery viltage drops below a threshold set in batteryWarnThresh.
Threshold voltage below which the battery warning is issued.
Action that is evaluated every time the pushpull sends a ping message. Can be used to implement a life sign.
capacitive sensor values in raw, normalised, resp. made into triggers (if > capTrigThresh)
a dictionary with IMU values from the last read
a dictionary with encoder values from the last read
OSC URIs under which the information on battery, cap, imu, ping and encoder arrive.
isOn |
Enable/disable tareing of the capacitive sensing. |
array of minima and maxima of capacitive sensors as given by tareCap.
minimum value for caps, used instead of minimum value.
Experimental. tare Magnitude sensor.
where is east wrt. measured magnitude?
the netAddr under which the PushPull is reachable.
Dictionary of Boolean
values indicating trace-state for the various sensors: