OpenObject/Classes (extension) | OpenSoundControl


talk to objects over the network


Publish any object for remote access via network (OSC, see ). This allows to create easy access for other languages and systems, such as Pd, Processing or Max.

For more examples and demos see

OpenObject API has two levels:

There is only one instance for each instance of sc-lang. Any functionality within sclang can be remote controlled, for instance by using environments with functions (example below).

NOTE: There are examples for Processing, Max/MSP and PureData bundled with this Quark. You'll find them next to where you installed this class.

Class Methods


Start listening to addr (if nil, it listens to all addresses). SClang listens on the port 57120. If for some reason it was given a different one by the OS, an error message is posted. Restarting SuperCollider helps.


Some applications do not allow to receive messages through the same port they are passing in the OSC message as reply port. As a workaround, this port can be explicitly overridden here.


Stop listening.


Remove all objects.


Check if listening.


Add an object for remote access under a name.


The key under which object is published.


Remove an object.


Remove an object published under name.

Remote controlling proxies and environments


The default is false, but if set to true, any objects or classes that implement the message " at " can be accessed remotely. As name, use the scheme: name_key, e.g. Tdef_x for Tdef(\x).


Register the proxy classes Tdef, Ndef, Pdef, Pdefn, Ndef and Fdef (convenience method).

*lookup is set to true.


For remote code execution, OpenObject can be opened to the interpreter.

WARNING: Use with care! Any code can be executed from the network, so the connection should be trustworthy.
Interpret the string on the remote sclang interpreter.
Set the proxy source with the interpreted code string (used for remote live coding).


Open the interpreter for external access. Do this only if you know what you are doing.



Address from which the messages come. nil means any.

If a replyID (an Integer) is given, sends back a reply: The results are sent back to the sender under the OSC command "/oo_reply" replyID val1 val2 …


A Boolean to de/activate a layer of extra protection. By default this is true and will block strings that contain unixCmd, systemCmd, Pipe and File. To turn off the protection set this to false.


Close the interpreter.

OpenSoundControl API

Once an object has been published under a name, methods can be called via OSC messages:

The name under which the object has been published.
The message to be called on the object.
a float, integer, symbol. (strings are converted to symbols). Array arguments can be nested by bracket chars as type tags (see example below).
If a replyID (an Integer) is given, sends back a reply: The results are sent back to the sender under the OSC command "/oo_reply" replyID val1 val2 ...
passes arguments in sequence
passes keyword arguments, in pairs of argument name and value.