Allows to receive an array of OSC values and access them in array style, therefore( o = OSCMapper(\myLayout, layout: ( '/my': OSCMapperArray(), )); ) // send a message to ourselves NetAddr("localhost", NetAddr.langPort).sendMsg("/my", 4, 3, 2, 1, 0); // now access the elements via their index - .asNdef etc also works o['/my'][0].value // Please note that if the dimension of the received array changes we will rebuild everything internal, // so things like callbacks are not persistent o['/my'][0].callback = {|v| "received %".format(v).postln} NetAddr("localhost", NetAddr.langPort).sendMsg("/my", 4, 3, 2, 1, 0); // now change dimensions NetAddr("localhost", NetAddr.langPort).sendMsg("/my", 3, 2, 1, 0); // no callback b/c we initiated new OSCMapperFader for each array element
See OSCMapper and OSCMapperElement for further information.
See OSCMapper: Examples.