A single element description is a dictionary of type Event. It (or the shared properties of its group) should contain these keys:
User-readable name for the physical type of thing. Usually one of the many types in
whether and how it is an input and/or output element. Usually one of
a spec for the internal number range of the device; e.g. for midi controls, \midiCC
is [0, 127, \lin, 1, 0].asSpec;
This gives an overview of some predefined specs:
Either \absolute
or \relative
class can be used in the element.action to change the current value of the destination object by a delta. See RelSetExample:
Determines how buttons behave:
Many physical elements, e.g. faders and joystick axes have one of several behaviors when they are released. \releaseMode
describes which behavior the element has.
MIDI device elements require these keys:
HID device elements require these keys:
OSC device elements require these keys:
is further described in How_to_create_a_description_file_for_OSC.