KtlLoopGui inherits most of its functions from EventLoop, it just adds gesture rescaling on playback. Among other uses, it is intended as a more flexible replacement for CtLoop (in the GamePad quark).// just some gui update tests, // see KtlLoop for full examples. k = KtlLoop(\xyz); e = KtlLoopGui(k, bounds: 250@180); e.getState; // play modes k.toggleLooped; k.looped; k.reverse; k.forward; // play params k.tempo = 1.5 k.lpStart = 0.25; k.range = 0.5; k.jitter = 0.1; // list count should go up when recordings are made k.startRec k.recordEvent(()); k.stopRec k.startRec k.recordEvent(()); k.stopRec // can switch between lists now k.setList(0); k.setList(1); // rescaling control values: k.scaler = 1.5 k.shift = 0.2; k.rescaled = true k.rescaled = false k.flipInv;