KtlLoop (extension) | Libraries > JITLib


Play with lists of events with recorded absolute and delta times.


EventLoop is the base class for several XLoop classes that can record any kind of events (such as note events, controller events from gesture capturing, key presses etc) and play them back flexibly. It aims to unify earlier such classes like CtLoop (in the GamePad quark), KeyPlayerRec (in the KeyPlayer quark), and others.

EventLoop records events as

Its subclasses add features:

KeyLoop - events by keys

- event has time and single key as ID for events, e.g. char of keystroke on a computer keyboard, and a lookup dict of functions what to do for each key.

KtlLoop - lists of key/value pairs

- single func, all set e.g. a specific proxy to new settings; it can rescale parameter values by shift, scale, invert.

AutoLoop - still to be done, records movements of one slider as an semi-autonomous loop.

Class Methods


make a new instance, with a key and a function to evaluate on playback.

Instance Methods

Instance Variables


the key of the EventLoop


a taskproxy for playback of recorded list


the function to evaluate when playing back for each recorded event


the current list of recorded events


get and set verbosity level for debugging. 0 is off.



start recording. if instant = true, recording starts instantly; otherwise, recording will start with the first recorded event.


record a new event into the list. event will consist of [abstime, deltatime ] ++ ... args provided


stop recording


toggle recording on/off


flag whether EventLoop is currently recording


get current absolute and delta recording times


add the current list to the lists, e.g. after recording.


store current list and clear for recording



play the recorded events using the taskproxy



pause and resume the playback taskproxy


stop the playback taskproxy


toggle between play and stop


flag whether internal taskproxy is playing


get and set flag whether playback loops.


get and set playback tempo


get and set where in (normalized) range of list event playback starts


get and set which length in (normalized) range of list event playback to use


startPos + length, position in normalized range where playback ends or loops


get and set how much playback event order should jitter.


get and set how much playback index moves at each step. 1 = forward.


set step to +1


set step to -1


flag whether playback is reversed


reverse playback direction


reset loop playback params to default


quantize recorded delta times for playback



the quant to round absolute times to


the duration to set the full duration to


reset delta times to unquantized state

Multiple List Handling


the recorded lists. first is newest list.


print indices and sizes of the current lists


set current list to one of the stored lists, by index.


get the current list duration


get the last index of current list


get the index of the current list in lists


get the number of recorded lists


print the lists in readabe form
