path |
Path to a CSound pv file. |
server |
The server that data will be loaded on to. Defaults to Server.default. |
Read and load directly to the server.
path | |
server |
To use NRT - you must re-write the data file out as a sound file!
path |
The path to save the soudfile to. This can then be allocRead 'd into a Score. |
The number of bins in the analysis.
The duration of the sound file analyzed.
The buffer number where PVFile stores data to a server.
The number of frames in the analysis.
path |
Load pc data to a buffer for real-time performance.
buf |
A buffer to load to. If nil, one is allocated for you. |
From the header, the highest freq analyzed.
From the header, the lowest freq analyzed.
A (possibly vain) attempt to figure out an appropriate amplitude to scale the output of PVSynth by. Returns the reciprocal of the average of all mags times the number of bins. (mags.flat.mean * nBins).reciprocal
Returns an array of freqs of nFrames length for bin.
bin |
An array showing the data form the pv file.
An Array
Liberates the buffer from SuperCollider tyranny.
Returns the pv file's header. (well... most of it).
Returns an array of freqs of nBins length for a given frame.
frame |
Returns an array of mags of nFrames length for bin.
bin |
Returns an array of mags of nBins length for a given frame.
frame |
argpath | |
argserver |